
Sunday, August 9, 2009

"I have a dream" - Kalonzo Musyoka

" I have a dream that over 1,000 dams will soon be constructed especially in Ukambani region among other areas if we unite and forge a common development agenda for the people,''

Kalonzo said the government will make use of the military, National Youth Service and even the prisoners in the construction of such dams.

Mr. Musyoka said there was need for leaders to stop dwelling much on political matters and instead advised them to engage on activities aimed at improving the country's economy.

"There is no need to talk about Hague and special tribunal issues all the time while Kenyans are being hard hit by hunger while others are still displaced from their homes following the post election violence. These are some of the issues which need our urgent attention instead of mere politicking," said Mr. Musyoka.

He said the Government was committed to the healing and reconciliation as the only way to fighting negative ethnicity in the country.

Mr. Musyoka asked District Commissioners to be transparent while handling public resources including the ones set aside for Kazi Kwa Vijana initiative, noting that it was through such projects that the youth could uplift their living standards.

Political differences

Speaker after speaker emphasized on the need for leaders to preach peace and reconciliation for the sake of peace and development in the country.

They vowed to support the recent move by the Cabinet to embark on Truth Justice and Reconciliation Commission, saying it was the only way to unite the people of Kenya.

"Leaders have no option but to support the Cabinet in its efforts to uniting the people of Kenya. We have to forget the past, forgive each other if this country has to remain united,'' said Mr. Duale.

Mr. Elmi said leaders have resolved to forget their political differences and work as a team in solving the problems facing the people of Kenya.

Mr. Mohammed, the assistant minister for Special Programmes said the Government was doing everything possible to contain the famine which has ravaged many parts of the country.

He said the government had donated 500 bags of maize to benefit needy cases in five locations of Tseikuru district.

During the harambee, Shs. 2.8 million was raised.

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