John Muthutho is a marked man. We are told that some people in government are pushing for his removal as Nacada chairman because he has over-stepped his mandate. Those in the know tell us that the former Naivasha MP has been given a final warning to desist from interfering with the authority's management.
Employees of Youth and Enterprise Development Fund chairman Gor Semelang'o are calling him a “broke millionaire”. Corridors heard that workers in one of his publishing firms, choke every time they see a newspaper branding him millionaire and tossing about his new investment deal with who is who in the continent. The staffers claim they have not been paid their salaries since last year. He has resorted to playing hide and seek with them.
A top official of an independent commission, who was recently suspended, has fallen into bad times. The man is now on the case of his former employer demanding dues he claims arose from illegal termination of service. Never mind that he had told one and all that he left his former station of work voluntarily. The man now wants his former employer, also a constitutional commission, to “settle without further delay” his claims.
Ministers caught up in the Tuesday morning mad traffic jam got a rude shock when motorists along Forest Road maintained their positions despite the deafening sirens and flapping of flags. One motorist shouted that they should feel the heat of the jam first before he can move. Their escorts resorted to pleading with motorists.
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