
Monday, November 28, 2011

ODM holds repeat polls in western

Posted  Sunday, November 27  2011 at  22:30
The Orange Democratic Movement held repeat sub-branch elections in most of the troubled areas in parts of western Kenya.
Trade assistant minister Simon Ogari was on Saturday elected the chairman of Bomachoge sub-branch after initial polls on Friday were marred with violence.
Mr Ogari extended an olive branch to his competitor Joash Maangi, asking him to unite with the newly elected leaders and popularise the party ahead of next year’s elections.
Meanwhile, Mr Gilbert Odhiambo was elected chairman of Kanyawegi ODM sub-branch after it was agreed his camp shares equal number seats with his rival Alloys Onyango.
Mr Onyango’s supporters had protested at the huge win by Mr Odhiambo, saying the exercise was rigged in his favour.
Mr Joseph Otiende, an ODM official mediated in the standoff and appealed to the warring factions to agree to a merger for the sake of party unity.
Mr Odhiambo was elected the chairman while a member of his opponent’s team became his deputy.
“We have crafted a winning formula of 10 seats for each camp. This is for the good of the contestants, the party and the people of Kanyawego sub-location,” said Mr Otiende.
In Emuhaya, Mombasa businessman Khalid Tiang’a trounced local MP Wilbur Ottichilo to grab the sub-branch chairman seat. Mr Tiang’a garnered 275 votes against Dr Ottichilo’s 106.
The exercise was put off in Kakamega County to allow a repeat in Butere, Matungu and Lugari constituencies following complaints the elections were not fair.
Mr Geoffrey Nasiali, a coordinator of the elections in Kakamega County said results from the three constituencies were nullified after rival camps came up with parallel lists of elected officials.
The polls have been planned for today at Bukhungu Stadium from 11am.
In Butere, differences emerged between supporters of Planning Minister Wycliffe Oparanya and those of former Butere MP Amukoa Anangwe on who had won the sub branch top seat.
In Matungu, supporters of a rival candidate challenged results indicating MP David Were had been elected the sub- branch chairman.
Elections postponed
ODM grassroots elections in Nyamira County did not take place due to a by-election in Kitutu Masaba Constituency on Monday.
The party scheduled the elections for December 2 to 5 in West Mugirango, Kitutu Masaba and North Mugirango constituencies.
Elsewhere, Mr Gideon Moreka was elected South Mugirango sub-branch chairman.
“We must bury our differences for the sake of winning the next elections. Those who lost must accept defeat and work together to strengthen the party,” Mr Moreka said.
Elections in Trans Nzoia County were peaceful after 60 delegates from Cherengany, Saboti and Kwanza resolved to share seats to cater for minority groups and bring all tribes on board.
Announcing the results, the returning officer Francis Naibei said the elections went on well after the delegates came to a consensus over the use of the all-inclusive system.
He announced councillor Hemman Malavi of Kwanza as the new county chairman while the vice chairman’s seat went to Kitale Municipal Council deputy Mayor Pius Kauka. Mr Thomas Ruto was declared secretary, while Mr Ronald Sewanja got the organising secretary post.
Saboti delegate Fred Opindo took the treasurer seat and Salome Cherop Barasa named the women representative.
Reports by Bernard Kwalia, Jackline Moraa, Abiud Ochieng’, James Minudi, Benson Amadala, Henry Nyarora and Benson Nyagesiba

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