
Monday, November 28, 2011

MPs lose grip of their strongholds

Posted  Sunday, November 27  2011 at  22:30
A series of upsets continued to dominate the fourth day of the ODM grassroots elections on Sunday after prominent personalities failed to make it past the sub-branch level.
Gwassi MP John Mbadi and his Kasipul Kabondo counterpart Joseph Oyugi Magwanga fell by the wayside in the elections held in Magunga and Ringa Secondary School, respectively.
Mr Mbadi strongly protested the action by the Presiding Officer Dominic Chwanya Amolo to leave out his name from the delegates list.
The official however, stood his ground that the MP had been dropped in the elections.
“This is a sham. There is no way my name can miss from the list of delegates from my constituency,” he said.
In Kasipul Kabondo, Mr Magwanga and his allies boycotted the elections, accusing the Presiding Officer Dennis Khaombo Ooko for having conspired with his opponents.
“I can not be party to such an election where non-delegates and people with criminal records elected at the helm of the party at the sub branch level,” said Mr Magwanga.
In Ndhiwa, trouble erupted for the second day after a section of the delegates walked out of Ndhiwa Primary School in protest against Presiding Officer Doris Adhiambo.
A group allied to outgoing Nyanza ODM coordinator Monica Amolo and former Ndhiwa MP Tom Obondo carried the day in the elections.
The rival group later held parallel elections that saw those elected ferried to Homa Bay for the county elections.
In Rangwe, anti-riot police were called in as sub-branch elections were repeated at the Homa Bay County Council Hall.
Presiding Officer Rose Angiro kicked off the elections with that of Women Democrats followed by Youths and eventually, the mainstream election.

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