
Monday, November 28, 2011

Kalonzo says ODM-K polls will be free and fair

Written By:VPPS,    Posted: Sun, Nov 27, 2011
Kalonzo is the ODM-K party leader
Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka has assured Kenyans that ODM - Kenya Party nominations will be free and fair.
Mr. Musyoka said he will not interfere with the nominations for the posts of Senator, Governor, Member of Parliament and other elective positions.
"They will be done in time in order to prepare because we are going for a win. We are determined to have a big and united team that will ensure victory in the next election", he added.
The Vice President was speaking Saturday in Mwingi East district in Kitui County.
Mr. Musyoka thanked area member of Parliament and Assistant Minister for defense David Musila for standing with him as an elder brother.
Mr. Musila urged residents to register in large numbers for identity cards in readiness for the next general election, saying it's the best way to show support for the Vice President.
He called on Kenyans to be alert of visitors who were suspicious saying they should be reported to the authorities for appropriate action to be taken.
At the same time, Mr.  Musila sent a message of condolence to the family, relatives and friends of four constituents who lost their lives e in the Garisa grenade attack.
Those who accompanied the VP are Mutomo MP Isaac Muoki , former cabinet minister George Ndoto, Mwingi county council Chairman Musyoka Nzili, area District Commissioner Martin Mwaro and Bishop Robert Mutemi of Global Vision Church of Africa.

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