
Monday, November 28, 2011

I’m not extending my term, says Kibaki

Written By:Margaret Kalekye/PPS,    Posted: Sun, Nov 27, 2011
President Kibaki made an extensive development tour of his Othaya constituency(FILE)
President Mwai Kibaki has emphasized that he will concentrate on finishing vital national development programmes aimed at securing the future of the nation.
President Kibaki said that he will spend the remaining period of his term in office finishing important projects to ensure that Kenyans enjoy quality living standards.
Said the President, "What needs to be done to empower Kenyans and improve their living standards must be done now."
The President noted that for the past nine years, the government had initiated ambitious programmes aimed boosting the country's economic growth and to facilitate profitable activities.
The Head of State termed as waste of crucial time and effort the ongoing debate on extending his term of office stating that the Kenyan constitution clearly stipulates that any serving president shall remain in office for only two terms of five years each.
Speaking Saturday during an extensive development tour in his Othaya Constituency, President Kibaki emphasized that no matter how much a leader may be loved, they must not unnecessarily extend their stay in office.
He urged Kenyans to focus on forging unity, developing their nation and improving their living standards.
The Head of State affirmed that Kenyans had developed confidence in the government for initiating development programmes in the country equitably.
In this regard, the President commended Kenyans for their patriotism and paying taxes faithfully thus enabling the government to collect considerable resources to facilitate implementation of laudable development.
"We have been able to successfully implement the Free Primary Education, construction of roads in all parts of the country and development of hospitals. The government has been collecting about six times the revenue we collected a few years ago," said the Head of State.
With regard to development of Othaya Constituency, President Kibaki assured the area residents that all initiated development projects shall be finished in time.
The Head of State also urged area residents to remain vigilant against petty wrangles that hurt development and unity of purpose required to implement.
He further urged local leaders to always ensure all positions leadership ae occupied by people who are keen on serving wananchi and responsive to their needs.
Among the interventions the President promised to ensure they are put in place include upgrading of Witima police post to full police station and posting of police officers, building adequate houses for the officers, and the delivery of an ambulance to Witima Health Centre which serves two neighbouring constituencies of Tetu and Mukurwei-ini.
Accompanying the President Nairobi Metropolitan Development Minister Njeru Githae underscored that President Kibaki had set high leadership standards as evidenced by implementation of development projects in all parts of the country.
Mr Githae said that President Kibaki's first assignment in office was to finish most of previously stalled public projects before embarking on others to empower Kenyans.
On an impending by-election for the Karima Civic Ward he called on Othaya people elect the PNU candidate Zachary Kiragu.
His sentiments were also echoed by Special Programmes Minister Esther Murugi who urged Othaya residents to stand with President Kibaki and his ruling party.
Ms Murugi also lauded President Kibaki for his visionary leadership and the tremendous development achievements the government had attained under his leadership.
She also delivered a message of solidarity from Kenyans living in the diaspora in UK where he attended official duties recently.
Others who accompanied and addressed the series public rallies at Gatugi, Giathenge and Witima markets included Othaya Town Council Chairman, Cllr Maina Murichu and PNU civic aspirant for Karima Ward Zachary Kiragu.
In attendance were Permanent Secretaries Francis Kimemia and Michael Kamau among other senior government officials.

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