
Saturday, October 22, 2011

PM denies blaming Kibaki for violence

PRIME Minister Raila Odinga has denied ever blaming President Kibaki for the 2008 post election violence. Raila said in a statement his answers to questions in court were taken out of the context. Raila had appeared in court on Wednesday to give evidence in a case where a former detainee is seeking compensation from the state.
Former Alego Usonga MP Otieno Mak’Onyango has sued the state for unlawful detention for five years and violation of his rights. “I wish to clarify that it was not the intention of the Prime Minister to assign blame for the election violence when he appeared in court on Wednesday,” his spokesman Dennis Onyango said in a statement.
The PM's office issued the statement after State House reacted angrily to Raila's claims in court that President Kibaki should be held personally responsible for the atrocities committed by state agents and the police who shot innocent demonstrators during the violence. Raila's statement also came after Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka and Gender minister Naomi Shaban had led seven MPs in defending President Kibaki against Raila's testimony.
A statement from State House said it did not wish to be drawn into a blame game over the post election violence. "President Kibaki will not be drawn into blame games at this time when Kenyans need to be focusing on the many challenges facing our beloved nation,” the PPS statement said in part.
Musyoka termed the PM's assertions as preposterous,a complete distortion of facts and a “complete violation of the spirit of National Accord and Reconciliation Act”. “Kenyans are aware of the sequence of events that followed the declaration of election results and that to reverse the reality is an attempt to transfer blame from culprit to victim,” Kalonzo said.
However, the statement from the PM office said Raila is alert to the fact that responsibility for the violence remains the subject of an international and local investigation. The statement said it was President Kibaki and Raila's willingness to put the nation ahead of personal ambitions that ended the chaos with the signing of the Peace Accord and the agreement to share power. “The PM remains committed to ensuring a united nation, driven by hope, not fear and a leadership driven by honesty, not opportunism.”

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