
Saturday, October 22, 2011

Kalonzo in Rift Valley for series of rallies

Presidential hopefuls in the 2012 general election intensify their campigns this weekend . Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka will be in Rift Valley and Western regions. Kalonzo will visit Bungoma, Baringo and Uasin Gishu counties in a series of rallies that seek to popularise his candidature and that of the G7. Of particular interest is that the hosts of Kalonzo  are strong allies of Ruto's who is considered the de facto leader of the Kalenjiny.
Today, the VP will be in Mabanga, Bungoma for a peace rally that aims to reconcile the Sabaoat, Bukusu and Teso communities who live in the area. In the afternoon Kalonzo will be hosted by former minister and MP Hellen Sambili in Mogotio, Baringo County. In Mogotio, he will preside over a fundraiser for the interdenominational pastor’s welfare where he will be the chief guest.
On Saturday, the VP will be in the expansive Baringo County where he will be hosted by MPs Sammy Mwaita and William Cheptumo of Baringo Central and North respectively. In the morning,  he will be in Baringo North where he will have a leaders' meeting before addressing a public rally in Kipsaramani. Kalonzo will then drive to Kabartonjo for another leaders’ meeting and a public rally in the evening according to his itinerary released yesterday.
Yesterday the VP’s spokesman Kaplich Barsito said Kalonzo will wound up his tore at the Burnt Forest area where he will attend mass at the Full Gospel Churches. The VP is particularly targeting the Tugen sub community of the Kalenjin where foyer President Daniel Arap Moi hails from. He has been often quoted appealing to the Tugen to support him as a show of gratitude for faithfully serving Kanu and Moi since 1983 up to 2002.

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