
Sunday, September 18, 2011

Uhuru,Muthaura begin trip to Netherlands for a battle of life

– SEPTEMBER 18, 2011

Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta leaves for The Hague on Monday
All eyes are set on the ICC as Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta, head of Public Service Uhuru Kenyatta and former police chief Hussein Ali set off for a 10 day battle with chief prosecutor Moreno Ocampo in The Hague.

Uhuru and Muthaura will be leaving on Monday while Ali is set to leave on Sunday evening for the battle of life.

The three are facing serious international crimes charges and will be fighting to have the pretrial chamber judges fail to confirm the crimes leveled against them.

Yesterday a source at Statehouse revealed that Uhuru,Ali and Muthaura have had word with President Kibaki.

Uhuru and Muthaura are accused of having attended a statehouse meeting that lead to retaliatory attacks on Kalenjins,Luos and Luhyas in the Rift Valley area.

“The two have met the President and had a brief word before they can travel, “Said a state house official.

Lawyers look at Uhuru,Ali and Muthaura’s case as abit stronger for the prosecutor than the one against William Ruto,Henry Kosgey.

Uhuru’s trip to the Netherlands comes just a days after the ICC registra visited Kenya to open an operation base from where an ICC office will be set.

Justice Minister Mutula Kilonzo warned that the cases at the ICC are serious and can go either way.

“It was a mistake to have let this cases to come this far. The government should have done something to secure these cases but we were defeated,”Mutula said.

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