
Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sirma sworn in to Eala in Rwanda

– SEPTEMBER 18, 2011

Cabinet Minister Musa Sirma being congratulated by Eals Speaker Abdirahin Abdi
NEW East African Community  Minister Mua Sirma has been sworn in as ex-officio member of the East African Legislative Assembly replacing the fired Mogotio MP Hellen Sambili.

 Sirma was sworn in during the ongoing sessions in  Rwanda to join other ministers from regional countries who hold the same docket.

 “Hon Musa Sirma, the new Minister for the East African Community in the Republic of Kenya was sworn in as an ex-officio Member of the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA),”read a statement from the Eala assembly.

Sirma was escorted to the oarth taking ceremony  by MPs  Augustine C.L. Lotodo and  Patricia Hajabakiga.

 EALA has nine Members elected from eachPartnerStateand seven ex-officio Members making a total of 52 Members.  The ex-officio Members are the Ministers responsible for East African Community Affairs in thePartnerStates, the Secretary General and the Counsel to the Community.

Today Sirma is in Eldama Ravine where he is being treated for an home coming after finally joining the cabinet.

 Sirma served under the Moi regime as an assistant minister for several years and is enjoying his first time as minister in Kenya.

 Prime Minister Raila Odinga is expected a Sirma’s home later this afternoon to attend the event.

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