
Sunday, September 25, 2011

General election to be held in August 2013-Malindi MP

Malindi September 23, 2011
Malindi MP Gideon Munga'ro and ADC Managing Director William Kirwa at Galana River

The Malindi MP Gideon Munga’ro together with the Managing Director of Agricultural Development Corporation Kenya (ADC) Mr. William Kirwa has proposed that general election to be held in August 2013. Speaking at Galana Primary school in Malindi on Tuesday the two said elections’ dates can be changed to August 2013 instead of the disputed August 2012 and December 2012.
Mr. Kirwa said that there it is important for the parliamentarians to implement constitution before going for elections.
“Why can’t we comply with constitution since it allows for extension of elections dates,” he asked.
He said parliament should be given more time to prepare what has not been covered in implementation of the constitution instead of conducting election when Kenyans are not ready.
The ADC MD Kenya said if MPs were serious with their work they will push the elections dates to August 2013 so as to conduct are free and fair elections.
“Mr. Munga’ro it is high time when you and your colleagues try to do the best so that when we go for elections everything is ready and prepared well. There will be no doubt since implementation of the constitution will be through and provision of Identification cards as well,” he noted.
Speaking at the same meeting Munga’ro said it has been a long journey of providing new constitution to Kenyans and so there was no need of being in hurry to implement the constitution saying it can poor implementation.
“We don’t want to regret in future for quickly implementation of the constitution to bead the deadline since after 20 years we have managed to get the constitution we can extend the parliament term to 2013,” said the Malindi MP.
Munga’ro said that the President, Prime Minister and the Cabinet can take a bold move to extend the elections to 2013.
He added that the two principal and the cabinet should not be pushed by non-governmental organization in making decision of the country.
“They should work how they know and according to the constitution and not being forced by NGOs and civil societies,” he lamented.
The Coast Parliamentary Group (CPG) Vice Chairman there are many of youths who have not yet registered for identification cards adding that the period remaining can not accommodate voters registration, inspection of voters and civic education.
He said there must be thorough civic education on how to conduct the elections since it will different from the past one due to provision of senator, governor, presidency among other positions in the election.
“Many Kenyans need to be taught on how to conduct elections where they will be required to elect governor, senator, president, MP among other posts. There is no nee of hurrying up and then we mess everything,” he noted.
He said they were not scared of being faced of by voters in the coming elections but their efforts is making sure that everything is done
appropriately for the sake of Kenyans saying the president and Prime minister were fearing to be unpopular on settling the issue.
“I know the two principal fears to be unpopular when theydecide on the issue but the constitution allows them to give direction in extending the parliament term for one year in order to solve all remaining issues in parliament before elections,” he said.


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1 comment:

  1. election for August 2013 is a crazy idea but possible in kenya
