
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I will win race for top job, PS Kiyiapi tells teachers

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Share/Save/Bookmark EDUCATION PS James Ole Kiyiapi took his presidential bid to more than 10,000 primary school teachers attending their annual conference in Mombasa. Amid cheers and laughter, Kiyiapi told the teachers at the Sheikh Zayyed hall that his speech 'is  the last important speech as the PS," since he is transiting to a higher level (office).
He told teachers to take him seriously saying he is committed to taking the presidency. “Leadership is about result and accountability and where there is politics, there is responsibility,” he said. He urged the school heads to exercise their democratic right and vote in responsible leaders, which he says, Kenyans deserve. “As a leader, you should not fear criticism, be strong leaders who hear what others have to say,” he added.
He praised the teachers for their hard work saying more pupils are now joining secondary school. He said education is key in reducing infant and maternal mortality.
Kiyiapi said the country has made great strides in education. “A good leader is molded right from class. Our children in schools have dreams of becoming good leaders, we should not disappoint their dreams by failing to set the right pace,” he said. “You should all avoid and resist the three sins of being indifferent, recklessness and complacency. The lives of millions depend on us.”

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