
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Corridors of Power

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Three Meru MPs — Mithika Linturi, Gitobu Imanyara and higher education assistant minister Kilemi Mwiria — were stranded after Cabinet minister Kiraitu Murungi abandoned them at an airstrip in Meru. The three, together with Kiraitu, had hiked a lift in a police chopper that had flown police commissioner Mathew Iteere to Meru last Friday. Iteere was not coming back to Nairobi, and asked his pilot to fly the VIPs back to the city but the Energy minister or his handlers did not inform the other legislators about the new arrangement and flew back leaving the rest behind. Mithika and Kilemi, who did not have their vehicles in the area, were forced to hike a lift in Prime Minister Raila Odinga’s car while Imanyara was luckier as he got space in a military chopper which was flying Raila back to Nairobi. The MPs were in Meru to attend the burial of eight persons murdered in the area recently.
A senior Cabinet minister is considering the options open to him in 2012. He can either run for the presidency, become a running mate of one of the six or so eyeing the top seat or accept a deal which proposes that he does not vie for any of the top posts and he will be appointed Finance Secretary (Finance Minister) IF (and that is a big if) his political ally wins the presidential race.
The management of Sunsail Hotel in Lamu exercised the oft-ignored maxim — management reserves the right of admission — when they ejected Lamu East MP Abu Chiaba from the premises. The MP was in the delegation accompanying Prime Minister Raila Odinga on a tour of Lamu. Raila and his entourage stopped over at the hotel for a meal. But when Bunu Ali, the hotel owner, spotted Chiaba in the group, he issued instructions that the MP be asked to leave. Bunu said he will continue to deny Chiaba access to the premises.

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