
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

No campaigners accused of lying

The Centre for Multi Party Democracy (CMD) has condemned those leading the NO campaign against the proposed new draft constitution adding that they owe Kenyans an apology for lying to them.

Addressing the press during in Nairobi Wednesday, the chairman of CMD-Kenya, Professor Larry Gumbe has accused former President Moi, higher Education Minister William Ruto and former member of youth for KANU Cyrus Jirongo for propagating falsehoods by suggesting that gay marriages will be permitted in the proposed constitution and that the country will be divided along ethnic lines.

"We have also witnessed the desperate attempts by enemies of democracy, human rights abusers, land grabbers and their cohorts in the clergy to shoot down the proposed constitution" the professor added.

"Little wonder then that Far-East nations such as Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand which were at par economically with Kenya at independence have advanced over the years to become middle income countries as Kenya languishes in abject poverty with 24 million Kenyan living in poverty," Gumbe said.

He said that the proposed constitution is far much better than the current constitution as it has sound strong and realistic bill of rights which will propel the country to greater heights.

He however added that challenges that might and will come in the way as Kenyans must be confronted with courage rather than cowardice as is seen in the NO proponents of whom he accused of being inspired by fear of change and progress.

He sought to correct the misinformed clergy that the proposed new constitution clearly provides and stipulates for the right of life and outlaws abortion except, in eyes of a trained medical practitioner, where the mother's life is at risk.

"By voting yes! Kenyans will affirm and ensure protection of their inalienable rights, dignity and fundamental freedoms of individuals and communities as communities as enshrined in the bill of rights," he said.

He added by saying that new constitution recognizes a bill of rights that sets basic Kenya liberties that the state or any other authority must respect.

He insisted that Kenyan voters must turn out in their millions to vote and the one and only informed decision at the referendum, is to vote- resoundingly YES! Gumbe said.

The referendum process will take place a week from now.

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