
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Moi Answers Kibaki

NAIROBI, Kenya, Jul 28 - Former President Daniel arap Moi has hit back at his successor Mwai Kibaki over the ongoing referendum campaigns telling the president that he has no moral authority to criticize the No campaign against the proposed Constitution.

Mr Moi said Mr Kibaki also failed the test of time when he failed to deliver a new Constitution within 100 days after he assumed office as he had pledged during campaigns in 2002. “In the making new Constitution all citizens must be assured of their security in years to come,” he said

“I am not interested in personalities but I am interested in issues and contents of this Constitution. I am not interested also in people’s positions, but in the welfare of the people of Kenya and their unity.

“We need stability in this country,” he said.

The elder statesman was responding to President Kibaki’s criticism on Tuesday where he accused Mr Moi of frustrating the course for a new Constitution.

"Some people in their old age are running all over. I feel pity for them," Mr Kibaki said while campaigning for the proposed Constitution in Embu.

But speaking at a rally in Wote on Wednesday, Mr Moi said his successor has no moral authority to criticise his failure to deliver a new constitution in his 24-year rule since he too had failed the credibility test.

The former President said the push for a new Constitution is not a matter of personality contests but about contents of the proposed Constitution. He said he has a right to oppose the new Constitution just like anyone else based on conviction.

While taking over power in December 2002, President Kibaki had promised that his Narc administration would deliver a new Constitution within 100 days. This promise failed, especially after the acrimonious Bomas constitution talks crumbled. Mr Moi was also unable to have the new law delivered during his last years in power.

Meanwhile Kuria MP Wilfred Machage has told the two leaders to stop public fights.

“I urge the two elders to show respect for each other because they are our leaders. They should not be throwing words at each other,” said Dr Machage who was addressing a No campaign rally in Rift Valley.

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