
Thursday, June 3, 2010


A campaign has been rolled out to mobilise three million Kenya youths to vote in favour of the proposed constitution in the referendum.

Youth representatives from 47 political parties said they would hold rallies countrywide to drum up support for the new law that will subjected to a referendum on August 4.

Through the Political Parties' Young Leaders Caucus, the representatives further said they would hold town hall meetings and use experts to educate the public on the proposed constitution.

“We will explain to the public especially the youth the importance of passing the proposed constitution and clarify the contentious issues,” a member of the caucus, Mr Maurice Ochieng, said during a press briefing at the Yes Secretariat at Kenyatta International Conference Centre, Nairobi Thursday.

The group further plans to use digital technology like Facebook and twitter to reach its target audience.

Round the clock

Mr Ochieng and the group’s convener, Mr Caleb Burudi, who is the chairman of Federal Party of Kenya said they will work round the clock to ensure the “green revolution” succeeds.

The youth stood to benefit from increased jobs, wealth creation, devolved resources and proper management and protection of land if the new constitution is passed, they said.

“We have joined hands as young leaders to dispel the notion that the youth of this country have for years been sidelined and that we have no say in matters pertaining the leadership of our beloved country,” the group said in a statement.

They said Kenyans have waited for long for a new constitution and that “this is the time for them to get it".

“Lives have been lost. Blood shed and people maimed in pursuit of a new constitution. The journey to a new constitution dispensation, good governance and bringing an end to the culture of impunity has been long, tedious and vigorous as well, and we can’t afford to let go of this chance.”

Selfish interests

They accused leaders opposed to the proposed constitution of doing so for their own selfish interests adding that some wanted to hide their dirty past.

Urging the youth to turn up in large numbers and vote for the proposed constitution during the referendum, they said that the document will result to good governance and equity in distribution of resources.

They added that the bill of rights in the document also gives youth fundamental rights, liberties and other freedoms that they are currently denied.

They denied remarks attributed to Higher Education minister William Ruto, who is leading the 'No' campaigns that the proposed constitution will legalise gay marriages.

They further urged Kenyans to read the proposed constitution so that they could make informed decisions during the referendum.

“We call upon all the youth to join this winning team. Together we will bring the change that has long been sought by Kenyans,” they said.

Others listed in the statement were: John Kiarie of ODM, John Mukewa, Philip Atwoli and Julius Owino all of Federal Party of Kenya, Mohamed Haji (Chama cha Uzalendo), Ben Liyai (ODM), Manthi Musyoka (TIP), Tom Apollo (ODM-K) and Labn Kuria (PNU).

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