
Wednesday, December 2, 2009

MPs defend PM

23 MPs mainly drawn from ODM Wednesday came out to defend Prime Minister Raila Odinga's position on the Mau reclamation.

The legislators led by Mwatate MP Calista Mwatela says myopic politicians have created roadblocks along the path of the PM towards achieving the national agenda.

Addressing journalists at Parliament Buildings, the lawmakers said environmental preservation was included in Chapter 16 of the ODM manifesto and the Prime Minister was just perpetuating his campaign pledges.

They further called on their colleagues to use appropriate channels such as parliamentary groups to voice their concerns instead of explosive public rallies.

" We support the PM as he pursues his constitutional mandate of coordinating and supervising the functions of the government, including the cabinet" said the MPs.

They told party members criticizing the Premier to use appropriate channels including the PG and NEC instead of public rallies to resolve contentious issues.

They said the party had made a commitment to conserve water towers including Mount Kenya, the Mau, Mt Elgon, the Aberdares and Cherengany Hills.

"We commend the Prime Minister for sticking to this agenda, which is no longer a party issue but clearly a national agenda," the MPs said.

Rift Valley MPs led by Agriculture Minister William Ruto, have openly criticized the PM over Mau evictions.

They also threatened to move a motion of no confidence against Raila.

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