
Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Moi for presidential system

Daniel arap Moi Wednesday dismissed the proposed hybrid system of governance in favour of an Executive President.

Addressing the press at his Nairobi home, Moi said executive authority should be vested in the President elected directly by Kenyans.

Moi further opposed the scrapping of the Provincial Administration as proposed in the Draft saying the move would be dangerous to the country.

He argues that the department is vital in implementing government policies at the grassroot level.

The provincial administration is to be replaced by regional governments and counties in a devolved system.

The former Head of State wondered why some of the proposals rejected by Kenyans in the 2005 referendum had been included in the harmonized draft constitution.

He alleged that the committee of experts on the constitutional review was not guided by opinions expressed by Kenyans during the referendum.

"It is apparent that some of the contentious issues are the same that led to the rejection of the referendum. The constitution should at all times be acceptable to majority of the people" said Moi.

Moi added that the proposed Majimbo governments are expensive for the country and clarity to Kenyans on the draft should be given priority by the leaders.

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