
Thursday, October 1, 2009

Mutula on Ocampo

Justice Minister Mutula Kilonzo wants the International Criminal Court (ICC) to take over the trials of suspects of post election violence.

Mutula's statement comes a day after the ultimatum that was agreed between the government and ICC to set a local tribunal elapsed on Wednesday.

Mutula admitted that efforts to set up a local tribunal have hit a dead end.

Addressing the press in his office Thursday Mutula Kilonzo confirmed receiving a letter from the ICC prosecutor Moreno Ocampo expressing his interest to discuss with the government on the way forward in trying the post election suspects.

The letter from the ICC prosecutor seeked to have a conversation with the minister for justice on the issue.

Mutula said he would hold consultations with Ocampo on the way forward on the issue ahead of next week's expected visit to the country by chief mediator Koffi Annan.

Mutula insisted that he is supporting the local tribunal that can enjoy confidence of the people however he blamed the perception of the public that the country cannot formulate legislation that can meet the expectation fact of the public

He dismissed the Imanyara Bill seeking the formation of a special tribunal saying it was too weak to meet international standards on prosecution of election violence architects.

In his letter Ocampo also revealed a three-prolonged approach he would adopt in which the ICC would deal with the key planners and financiers while other suspects would be handled by a local tribunal and the Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission.

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