
Friday, August 30, 2013

Corridors Of Power

Thursday, August 29, 2013 - 00:00 -- BY THE POLITICAL DESK
A former presidential candidate in the recent general elections has found it hard going since he lost in the elections. The man who quit public service to go into elective posting is faced with financial constraints and it might just be a matter of time before he brushes up his cv and goes out to look for a job in public service or maybe academia? 
Some senior policemen are considering taking legal action against the findings of an Independent Police Oversight Authority audit presented by chairman Macharia Njeru which found that some of the senior cops were demanding  "sex-for-promotion”. The top cops believe Njeru was 'reckless' and had besmirched the reputation of all senior policewomen by attributing their rise to sexual favors. What the top cops don't seem to appreciate is that there must be an underlying problem since these findings and recommendations were made after interviewing the rank and file in the police service!
Police headquarters has finally taken action against the senior policemen who ordered the release of a truck that had been impounded with along the Luanda-Busia road with jerricans of Chang'aa. The Chief Inspector of police who is known to be a relative of one of the head honchos at Vigilance House has now been summoned after it emerged she may have received a Sh120,000 inducement from the owner of the brewer to persuade her to issue the order to release the vehicle.
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