
Friday, August 30, 2013

Ahmednasir repeats lies over Star

Thursday, August 29, 2013 - 00:00 -- BY STAR TEAM
JUDICIAL Service Commissioner Ahmednasir Abdullahi yesterday repeated his extraordinary allegations that Star managing director William Pike is an MI6 agent.
He first made the claim on K24 last week. Yesterday the Star published a statement saying “Ahmednasir is lying” and “is peddling this nonsense to distract mounting criticism over his own activities”. In response, Ahmednasir tweeted that “his code name among the intelligence community is William ‘Simba’ Pike” and that he stood by his statement that he is an MI6 agent.
Yesterday Pike issued a statement that he and the Star will be suing Ahmednasir for libel and expect to receive considerable damages as his claims are completely without substance. “Once the case is in the High Court, Kenyans will discover that Ahmednasir Abdullahi has not a shred of concrete evidence,” Pike said.
“These allegations are fabricated by Ahmednasir Abdullahi for reasons best known to himself. Probably he is unhappy that the Star has run stories about his real estate dealings and highlighted the issue of his pupillage certificate,” Pike said. “I have never worked for or been an employee of MI6 or any other intelligence agency,” said Pike.
Ahmednasir tweeted yesterday that “during the ICC investigation he procured Mungiki witnesses to implicate President Uhuru.” Pike denied the allegation saying, “Similarly I was not involved in any way in procuring Mungiki witnesses for the International Criminal Court, as Ahmednasir alleges.
I have no personal contacts or association with the Mungiki so it would have been impossible for me to help the ICC, even if I had wanted to”. Pike was the managing director of the New Vision newspaper in Uganda from 1986 to 2007 when he moved to Kenya to help start the Star.
The New Vision is government owned and in February this year Pike was awarded the Nalubaale Medal for services to Uganda. Ahmednasir may be frustrated with the Star for publishing stories about his real estate deals and his dubious pupillage certificate.
Debt collector Brian Yongo, his former business associate, has made multiple attempts to have Ahmednasir disqualified as a lawyer. Yongo initially fell out with Ahmednasir claiming his former business associate cheated him in a case to recover 87 acres in Karen from around 30 residents who have lived there for 30 years but who do not have land titles.
In November 2011 and March 2012 the Mukinduri Lane Residents Interest Group petitioned Chief Justice Willy Mutunga claiming that Ahmednasir had a “personal interest” in the case. Yongo claimed that he and Ahmednasir were to be paid with 17 acres once the residents were evicted, but Ahmednasir only offered him 3 acres rather than the half share originally promised.
Yongo then alleged that his master Peter Simani did not sign Ahmednasir’s certificate of completion of pupillage in 1992 as Simani was not registered as a lawyer at that time. Yongo claimed in a court affidavit that Ahmednasir himself signed the pupillage certificate in his presence.
Yongo also claims to have introduced Jacob Juma, the director of Erad Suppliers and General Contracts, to Ahmednasir in the case involving National Cereals and Produce Board. Ahmednasir, Juma and Yongo were supposed to share Sh50 million equally but Yongo says he did not get his money.
Yongo claimed that Ahmednasir leaked to him information about the JSC while they were still business associates. “Ahmednasir Abdullahi is a pathological liar,” said Bryan Yongo yesterday as he again challenged him to prove that his pupillage certificate was properly issued.
Yongo claimed that “Ahmednasir has perfected the art of lying about everything, making wild allegations and destroying people’s reputations at will”. Former National Bank of Kenya secretary Nicholas Kamweti has accused Ahmednasir of stealing a confidential document to aid his case demanding millions in taxation fees from the bank.
When the case was heard last year, NBK lawyer Ochieng Oduol accused Ahmednasir of “unethical professionalism” and “unjustly enriching himself.” A few weeks ago, Kamweti was eased out of his NBK job in questionable circumstances.
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