
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Raila asks the USA to invest in counties

Tuesday, July 30, 2013 - 00:00 -- BY IBRAHIM ORUKO
Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga has appealed to America's private sector and government to help Kenya's devolved units succeed by investing.
Speaking when officially opening the meeting between Cord governors and investors in Dallas, Texas, yesterday, Raila said America has always stood with Kenya in times of significant transition.
He said that because America has always stood with Kenya, it is "not a surprise" that Kenyan governors are in the US seeking to implement devolution which he described as "the most significant provision of our new constitution'.
Raila asked US businessmen to support Kenya's governors by directing investments to various counties saying it will ensure equitable economic growth and create jobs for the youth.
"Governors are at the frontline of our dreams for an equitable society where development opportunities are evenly spread in the country,” he said.
The former PM said governors are the most prominent symbols of the new order being created in Kenya. “The Governors are able to observe what is working and what is not, what needs to be retained and what needs to be fixed. Their success will be our success as a country,” he said.
The Cord leader said his party prioritised expenditure on social programmes that it believes will transform the lives of the people, reduce poverty, improve healthcare and create jobs.
He called for investment in infrastructure, healthcare and education.
"A trained and skilled workforce will attract investments and also ensure the youth are able to get jobs,” Raila said.
He said a good network of feeder roads across counties, good healthcare and affordable, reliable, clean and efficient energy will change the lives of Kenyans.
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