
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Corridors of Power

Tuesday, July 30, 2013 - 00:00 -- BY POLITICAL DESK
An MP making his parliamentary debut was recently caught red-handed caressing a lady intern in one of the committee rooms. The MP, who chairs a departmental committee was momentarily embarrassed when caught out by journalists who entered the committee room just before a scheduled meeting was to start. The man did not seem bothered and its the young intern who told the journalists that the MP has been making advances to her which she has been resisting and that he has been cornering her in the committee room whenever she arrives early to prepare the room for committee meetings. The question that goes begging is—is there a sexual harassment at the workplace policy in Parliament? If not, maybe its time our women MPs and senators pushed to have one in place!
Two young Senators have set tongues wagging as it emerges that they have become romantically involved and are an 'item.' The male senator was previously also romantically involved with at least two MPs who served in the last and current Parliament. Ut seems his latest catch— one of the nominated senators— is quite taken with him as they spent quite a lot of time together during the recent retreat in Mombasa attended by governors and senators to discuss the allocation of funds to the devolved governments.
The wife of a top politician could no longer keep quiet about her husband's long-running love interest. The woman confronted her rival and told her to keep off her husband. She was doubly dismayed when she realized that her husband had been pulling strings to ensure his girlfriend was appointed to a senior post in the government. Our moles tell us that the wife is tired of her husband's infidelity and warned his girlfriend to lay off “government or no government."
A top city lawyer who is reportedly in his 60s is reportedly still living with his mother. The mummy's boy has never married and his colleagues are concerned that time is running out for the man to leave a legacy. They believe that the pettiness he has been displaying in recent years is a consequence of his prolonged bachelorhood. But they do not seem to offer him a solution and do not have the guts to tell him what they think to his face. 
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