
Sunday, April 28, 2013

Ruto: We Will Not Discriminate Against Nyanza


Ruto: We Will Not Discriminate Against Nyanza
Once again, Deputy Vice President William Ruto has assured residents of Nyanza region that the Jubilee Government will not discriminate against them.

The Deputy President said the Jubilee government can ill afford to isolate the region on the grounds that it voted almost to a man to its rival CORD

Ruto spoke when he visited Migori County today, an area regarded as CORD stronghold.

“Although you voted for CORD, the Jubilee Government aims to resolve challenges in this area” Ruto said

The Deputy President who was speaking at Mabere Catholic Church in Kuria West singled out the perennial cattle rustling as one of the problems facing the area.

Ruto urged communities living along the Kuria-Trans Mara border to stop cattle rustling saying the vice was hampering development in the area.

The Deputy President said the police had been instructed to establish an anti stock theft unit camp along the border to stop cattle rustling.

Among the leaders present in the meeting were Migori Governor Zachary Obado and Narok Governors Samuel Tunai.

The leaders pledged to work together in a bid to end the cattle rustling that has always to deaths.

By Daniel Korir

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