
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Mercy Keino was murdered, police tells inquest

POLICE now say that Mercy Keino was murdered and was not a victim of a hit-and-run accident.
Corporal Gilbert Gitaria  told the inquest into the June 17, 2011 death of the University of Nairobi student that Mercy was murdered elsewhere and her body dumped on Waiyaki Way to make it look like she was the  victim of an accident.
Gitaria said that the police concluded that she was murdering after reviewing the evidence and the CCTV footage from the Wasini Luxury Homes where she was last seen alive. Gitaria said that he and the police team could not pinpoint who killed her or the motive.
“The lady could have been murdered somewhere else because all the evidence that she could have been hit by the motor vehicle was ruled out. We closed in on the theory of murder but there was a problem. We suspected foul play and we ruled out the theory of hit and run. We examined the motor vehicle linked to her death and there was no evidence to show the car hit the deceased. It means the vehicle did not hit the body,” Gitaria said.
He said the police had forwarded the investigation file to the DPP for analysis. “A case of this kind is very complex. If we could have found evidence we could have charged someone, but it was not coming out clearly," he added.
Mercy was last seen alive running away from Wasini Luxury Homes in Westlands, Nairobi, where she had accompanied her relative, Scholastic Namwai, to a party that was hosted by the then Juja MP and now Kiambu governor William Kabogo.
 Kabogo, his bodyguard, a driver and other girls who attended the party are expected to testify later. Yesterday, Gitaria tabled the CCTV footage showing guests arriving for the party from 10pm, drinking, dancing and cavorting until the early hours of the morning.
Earlier, witnesses testified that Mercy became drunk and out of control during the party.They said that out of the room on the shoulder of one of Kabogo’s bodyguards.
“We don’t know exactly what happened in that room. Scolastica who was in that room did not come out clearly to tell us what happened between Kabogo and the lady,” said Gitaria.
Under cross examination, Gitaria said Mercy was still alive when she was dumped outside the gates of the apartment building by the bodyguard.
In the CCTV footage, she is seen rolling on the floor, before she suddenly stands up, slaps her cousin Scolastica and then runs off. 
Another witness, Robert Gitau, said he shared drinks with Mercy, Kabogo's bodyguards and other friends.
He said Mercy was mixing beers and became unruly. He alleges that she went out of control and ran off. He claimed they ran after her and found her seated in the middle of Waiyaki Way. He said he did not know what happened in the room where Kabogo and the girls continued with the party.
Last year, two witnesses claimed that she was slapped by Kabogo after she broke several glasses and picture frames. Her body was later found on Nairobi's Waiyaki Way. The hearing continues today.

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