
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Corridors of Power

On Monday, Corridors told you of a Senator and a National Assembly member who could find themselves jobless if their party boss makes good his intentions to haul them before their party's disciplinary committee for indiscipline. Our wags tell us the party boss who was unsuccessful during the presidential race has decided to pardon them after they apologized and promised not to misbehave again. The two were accused of reporting on the party's coalition talks with yet another rival presidential candidate who also flopped in the elections.competitor who did not also fair well in the concluded elections.
A renowned Kikuyu musician was recently denied entry to the United Kingdom where he was scheduled to hold several shows. The musician is said to have become rude and arrogant to the UK Border Agency officials at the Heathrow airport in London. It seems the man's rudeness and arrogance had been taken note of by the UK border agency officials who decided they were going to exert their authority. They refused to grant the musician entry and ordered that he leave for Nairobi with the first available flight.
Raila's chief campaigner Eliud Owalo and exiting Prime Minister Raila Odinga's ardent supporter and loyalist Ababu Namwamba have reconciled themselves to Saturday's Supreme Court ruling. Owalo signed off as an 'opposition activist' on a statement he issued soon after the ruling while Namwamba said Cord will work from the opposition ranks in Parliament to ensure power checks and balances for the benefit of Kenyans.
One of the new MPs has reportedly hired an English language teacher to teach her the diction and grammar of the language. The MP wants to perfect her mastery of the Queen's English so that she can silence her critics who have been casting aspersions about her academic qualifications. Her close associates say the MP wants to ensure she is ready and able to wow her critics with her fluent rhetoric and oratory during the debates in the House as well as in other public forums.

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