
Saturday, February 2, 2013

Corridors Of Power

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2013 - 00:00
It was obvious that Royal Media owner S.K. Macharia's public declaration that he would use his media outlets and resources to campaign for Prime Minister Raila Odinga would not go down well with Jubilee Alliance and its supporters. On Tuesday, some of the influential personalities in the Jubilee Alliance met at the Muthaiga Golf Club where they expressed their unhappiness to SK Macharia and told him to “toe the line.”
A former MP in the Moi regime who hoped to be on the ballot box for the Mombasa gubernatorial race exposed his naivety about mobile phones when he asked a journalist to show him him how to send a "please-call-me' text message. The text message is free and mostly used when the user does not have enough credit to make a call. The ex-MP was duly shown how to send the message and immediately got a call from the person he had texted. The MP asked his caller to send him Sh100 airtime and to buy the day's papers as he did not have any money.
With elections campaigns gaining momentum, politicians and their allies are adopting all manners of tricks to woo voters and discredit their opponents. Recently, some individuals were digging into the academic records of Cord Presidential candidate Raila Odinga and Jubilee’s Uhuru Kenyatta hoping to find some dirt on either of them. Those deployed to Amherst College in the US and to Otto Von Guericle Technical University Magdeburg in Germany were disappointed when they found that Uhuru had actually attended college to study political science and economics while Raila got two degrees from the German college!
Just why would a senior manager at the Kenya Airports Authority be instructing askaris to clamp his vehicle every time he parked at his designated spot? Just what is the man up to? Workers at the JKIA have been puzzled by the man's bizarre behavior and are wondering when the management will clue on and take action.

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