
Saturday, February 2, 2013

Bungoma four in stylish entry into IEBC offices

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2013 - 00:00
There was drama as four of the main contestants for the Bungoma senate seat were cleared by IEBC. Contestants arrived at the IEBC offices in luxury vehicles and escorted by hundreds of supporters in convoys that blocked the main Bungoma town streets.
First to hand in papers was a former Kanduyi MP Lawrance Sifuna before Cord principal Moses Wetang’ula checked in with thousands of supporters in tow. Police had to restrain rival supporters from a possible clash.
Speaking after his clearance, Wetang’ula urged residents to vote peacefully. “We have just sworn to keep peace during the electioneering period and we urge supporters to also do so,” he said
He said the Cord Alliance will win in round one and urged Western not to be duped by the Amani coalition. Sifuna was later handed a URP ticket and told supporters he was the best choice.
Immediate former PNU MP Musikari Kombo was later cleared to run on a new Ford-Kenya ticket followed by a fresher Reuben Kiboi on National Vison Party colours.  
Former trade minister Mukhisa Kituyi received a UDF ticket.
Bungoma town streets experienced a major traffic snarl up as convoys snaked through the urban centre but no ugly incidents were reported.

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