
Sunday, April 3, 2011

William Ruto: A threat to Kenyan Security Must Go!

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The Minister for Agriculture, William Ruto is no stranger to national scandals. I guess this makes him more honorable than most. But what is even worse is the fact that all the scandals that Ruto is involved in to a large extent threaten the national security of the Kenyan people. However, Kenyans have become wary of his dangerous character and they are demanding justice. His crimes include creating cartel to cause artificial shortage of maize in the country, embezzlement of public funds, training and funding militia, instigating tribal clashes.. The list is endless.
As the world celebrate Christmas, over 78% of Kenyan population can hardly afford maize flour which is the stable food for most people.  It is an open secret that Ruto and his sycophants are involved in dangerous cartel that has created artificial shortage for basic victuals such as maize and maize flour in order to push the prices up and create an opportunity for him and the cartel to leap huge profits at the expense of peace loving poor Kenyans.

Ruto's greed has turned the Christmas season for many Kenyans into a miserable time with food prices soaring while the paychecks are shrinking.  Kenyans understand that commodity prices are dictated by demand and  supply dynamics of macro economics, and Ruto owes Kenyans an explanation about the abrupt shortage of maize. Was this shortage predicted by his Ministry? If not, why not?  If yes, what plans and strategies did the Ministry put in place to prevent such a situation or to make certain that it does not get worse. Since the Minister does not seem to care or he is completely oblivious of what common Kenyans are going through, it is time for Kenyans to send him home. Food security for all Kenyans is a fundamental responsibility of the government and the Minister in charge of the Ministry of Agriculture has completely failed to protect the Kenyan people. The question on the mind of most Kenyans interviewed by this writer is whose interest is the minister safeguarding? The answer can only lead us to other scandals that the minister exceedingly perfected.

The youth for KANU 92 mania will not fade from the Kenyans' mind any
time soon. Willian Ruto and other self seekers were involved in the distribution of printed money in order to ensure the re-election of Daniel Moi back to power. What is not lost to most keen political observers is the fact that Ruto has never apologized to Kenyans for instigating political clashes that left thousands of Kenyan misplaced and hundreds dead. It is an open secret that Ruto was involved in planning, funding and executing the tribal clashes. Since Kenyans seems to have given him a pass for his evils by electing him to parliament, he took advantage of his position to perfect the recent atrocities that left thousands dead and millions displaced.

Impunity leads to more impunity and the Kenyans have had enough of Ruto. One wonders; whether when Ruto looks at himself in the mirror does he recognize himself as a public servant, a thug or a crook? The correct answer lies on whether he can be forthright with Kenyans and step aside for he does not possess the moral authority to serve Kenyans in any capacity.  Kenyans are demanding the eroded dignity and honor back to the public service arena. Lack of dignity and honor lead us to other scandals that Ruto immersed himself in with impunity.

Kenyans remember vividly that when NARC came to power, Ruto and others were indicted for corruption charges involving millions of shillings. Ruto cried foul and incited his tribe against the then new government claiming that his tribe was being persecuted through selected justice.  Whatever deals Ruto made with the courts are not clear and today the Kenyans people are demanding full account of Ruto's corruption charges. If Ruto stole millions from NSSF through sale of valueless property or whatever means and got away scot free, what would make others not follow suite? The current scandal at NSSF is to some extent due to the fact that Ruto and others have never faced justice.  Proposing appointment of new board of trustees and a Managing Trustee is not the panacea to the problems facing many public institutions in Kenya. As the audit report that was commissioned by Raila reveals, NSSF stands to lose millions – the government must act now or the Kenyan people will yank the Minister and others implicated out of office.

Recently, it was revealed through a long blog by Kenyan in the Diaspora that Ruto was involved in training some militia – the Karamajong Guerilla Fighters. The police, the CID or any authority in Kenya did not take any measures to verify with Ruto the extent of his clandestine involvement.  Hence, Ruto comfortably unleashed the militia to perform the recent acts of anarchy. Since the national security of the Kenyans is threatened by the existent of Ruto in the cabinet as he has proved time and again to be a hyena in sheep's skin, he must quit now. He should face justice for
all crimes and evil acts that he has committed against the Kenyan people. This brings us to the Krieger led commission investigating the flaws in last year's electoral process.

Ruto and other politicians were found guilty of inciting the public and perpetrating violence. Hence, they should be banned from holding office or contesting for elective positions in future. Since it is the responsibility of Government to protect workers from corrupt leaders running public institutions, all leaders implicated in financial and management improprieties that have dogged the nation's public institutions for decades, the honorable thing for Ruto to do if he truly consider himself an honorable member is to step aside immediately because of his questionable conduct to allow a free and fair investigation.  He should not attempt to fire up ethnic sentiments to rally support from the poor people he has used to many years.

Enough is enough! Ruto Must Go! 

Dr. Nancy Omweri, Adjunct professor, Pace University, Westchester, USA.

Admin's comment:
This article is a personal view of Dr. Omweri and does not in anyway reflect or represent the position of If at all Mr. Ruto should be judged along the article, then we can as well quit having a government, at least the current one.

It's not one person who's doing all the wrong things, it's the system that doesn't serve justice where needed, hence a good breeding ground for bad character. This isn't really hard to understand.

Comments (29)Add Comment
written by KENNETH k, January 09, 2009
Dr Omweri,
Your argument is based on your personal attitude toward the HON RUTTO,
and can never ever be corroborated.the guy you are talking about is a natural leader...
Dr. Omweri
written by Kiptum Arap Kuchuurei, January 09, 2009
This personal comments are very unfortunate. Dr Omweri lacks the facts and the attitude worth of a scholar like him if at (all he is one). It appears he has a personal vendetta against Hon Rutto and more so some other personal frustrations that he could not reveal in his article. It is not even seven months since Hon Rutto became the minister for Agricuture yet he goes ahead to heap all the blame the the current food crisis. Hon Rutto in my view he has done all that is humanly possible to adress the issue and to improve the ministry within that given period of time and the hurdles posed by the PNU side of government.
As far as i am concerned Hon Rutto nas never been an appointing authority in the republic of kenya, yet Dr Oweri gives him the credit of an all-powerful man who is able to do things his way. My question is where is the president(s) when he does all this? If he has done all this with the knowledge of the president that means the president is to blame and not Hon Rutto.
Hon Rutto is an intelligent, courageous and straight-foward leader who has done alot for his constituency and the country of kenya. His surpporters understands him as answer to the currnt poilital challenges of this time. While his critics misunderstands him in Dr Omweri's perspective. They have even taken him to court based on their misjudgements and and come out as very disappointed fellows. It would have been "scholarlistic fairness" if Dr Omweri could have criticised Hon Rutto based at least one court case that he has been proved guilty. Other than that your comments are summerised as hearsay, baseless, null and void and without foundation.
If public appearaces are the creteria for your judgements, then you are hell-baised since there are many politicians out who could be judged more harshly base on your creteria... why single out Hon Rutto?
The article overestiates Ruto's influence
written by Ninja, January 10, 2009
Dr Nancy Omweri's simplistic and naive analysis of Ruto does several injustices to the author and the subject. For one, Dr Omweri fails to provide substantive evidence to back 'her' claims. Personally, I think that to claim that Ruto funded a millitia, incited anybody to kill others or such stuff exaggerate his abilities and reach. Ruto has not such influence and he is merely a helpless human dealing with a Kalenjin constituency that is miles ahead of him.

But I agree that Ruto is corrupt to the hilt and he must be involved in maize importation and fleecing of Kenyans to create a shortage in order to make a quick buck. The guy is blindly ambitious, less calculating and plainly a thieve.

I was shocked to read the response by one guy who says Ruto has done a lot for his constituency. What has he done in education, agriculture and infrastructure other than breed a culture of witchhunt and vendetta. I think Ruto is a huge failure in Eldoret North and he is not qualified for any national office. I think he was not going to be elected to any ODM national post either and that is why he blackmailed them to crown him the deputy party leader. What is in that post, he is merely a foot soldier for Raila. Bure kabisa
written by JEPKEMBOI, January 10, 2009
written by Toxic, January 11, 2009
At last here is someone speaking the naked truth. Ruto is a thief, murderer and rotten fellow who will bring great suffering to the country. The faster he was made to account for his ills, the better - for prosperity. Kudos Omweri for the article!
Inverted admiration
written by Arap Tilyong, January 12, 2009
Nancy Omweri (a Dr does not make arguments the way she has done) is indeed a frustrated secret admirer of Hon Ruto. This guy is as charismatic as they come, intelligent and a shrewd businessman. Which lady does not admire such a man. All her rants are as preposterous as they are baseless.

Nancy, I pity you.
written by DR. RUTTOH POLLYZZARRIOH, January 14, 2009
" Inverted admiration
written by Arap Tilyong, January 12, 2009

Nancy Omweri (a Dr does not make arguments the way she has done) is indeed a frustrated secret admirer of Hon Ruto. This guy is as charismatic as they come, intelligent and a shrewd businessman. Which lady does not admire such a man. All her rants are as preposterous as they are baseless.

Nancy, I pity you. "




written by MR.ANTIPAH KIPKOECH MELI, January 14, 2009
DR,NANCY,it is very shameful for a scholar like you to jump into conclusion in matters you are not sure of. why ddnt you approach ruto and let him tell you what happened in those days of political skirmishes? are you ready to testify about all what you happened in kenya Riftvalley? Remember, there is wisdom which is inborn and acquired knowledge which is not reliable. so dont rely on what you know or hear, please investigate first and leave out your bitterness. if you dont much about kenya please do more research and if possible apologise to the accused.
written by DAVID M BIWOTT, January 15, 2009
I will not dwell on what the lady has written abou HON william Ruto but i want to point out one issue that she may not deny. While everybody is blaming the current food shortages on The Hon Minister and some to last Year's post election violence; it is a fact that we had a poor harvest through out the country which has nothing to do with the minister or the so-called perpetrators of the post election Violence.

Why is it that there is no food and animals are dieing in all the arid and semi arid lands. What does Ruto have to do with food shortages In Nyandarua, laikipia, Nyeri and others that ussually produce some food?
To the people of the North rift and south rift- What contract do we have with the government to continue feeding the citizens of this country year in year out? what enslaves our people to continue producing maize at unreasonable costs compared to the returns?

There is no government anywhere in the world that will continue increasing the prize of food. So let us not delude OURSELVES that the prize of maize will keep going up and engage in other useful PROFITABLE economic activities. who says we must grow maize and wheat for kenya? All over the world, farmers are subsidized to produce food, which means the government should buy from farmers at higher prize and sell it to the citizens at a lower prize. I am surprised that Ruto is being vilified for doing this in a small way!

The only contract we should have with the Government this year should be based on the lowering of cost of inputs and an agreed minimum prize for the produce on harvesting.

Lastly, until we are very honest with each other, which has been our biggest undoing, we are bound to experience scandal after scandal. Even when the rains have not been so good, there are those who will shout the loudest and claim that this has been caused By either Ruto or so and so- simply because we do not like their political agenda.
Prophet of doom
written by Kipsengwer arap kipsengwer, January 16, 2009
DR Omweri

You have choosed a forum with a kalenjin identity to launch your vicious attack on our leader. as far as i can remember no militia training took place in ukallenjin, you talked of some karamojong. we are kalenjin and not karamong. the ethnic group you are misleading people on, are not even in Kenya. You are one of this people who have travelled abroad to mislead the white man on kenya in order to earn a living, that is you are falsely earning your living, preaching falsehoods in forums like lecture rooms in where you teach. The hon Ruto is a clean man targeted by political enemies like yourself to stop his political star from rising. we know you choosed this site to spread your propaganda against the minister. proove to the audience that indeed there is a day he was found guilty as you alleged. i dont wellcome your opinion. GOD BLESS OUR NATION.

kipsengwer arap kipsengwer is proud kalenjin basd in Nairobi
written by DR.NGENO, January 18, 2009
Was it an intellectual talk or village gossip?
Pause for a moment and tell us about Simon Nyachae,former Minister for Agriculture,even Finance ,one time a PC,Chief Secretary and leader of a briefcase party FORD P.Bank workers wont forget!
Stop talking about Ruttoh and address failed economic policies of the Republic,third world countries and the endemic corruption in free market economy.Discover the soft underbelly of the Capitalist.
You should have seen the Presidential,VP and PM parade during the Declaration of Hunger as a National Disaster.They came in flashy cars.Saw Prof Jaffrey Sach?He should give them,you included basic nursery tutorials on how to eradicate Poverty in this millennium.
If you are in Westchester,USA,have you read about the cataclysmic effect of the collapsed mortgage industry?God forbid,hope you are not in the streets by now or leaving in a carton house.The USA economic gurus are now doubting the fundamentals behind the invisible hand in the free market.
Tell us about Prof.Sam Ongeri,Minister for.....,the die hard KANU Youthwinger.The education of the Republic has already gone to the dogs thanks to the wrong education policies which reward the highest bidder i.e. Academies and private universities.Where will the poor get education?
Address issues and not personalities for tomorrow the above mentioned mortals will not be there but your immediate community will be there.The above issues will have to be intellectually addressed to enable the Republic of our future generations to prosper.
You must have lost touch with the reality at home because of foreign deception living.
Go back to your Village and tell the story of Ruttoh!
There is maize,plenty of cause but the price is not correct and the transport is poor.
The maize farmers are contemplating venturing into other well paying crops.That is when Ruttoh will be a threat to Kenyan security!
Why Ruto?
written by kale2009, January 20, 2009
Dr. Omweri & Toxic seem to be in the era where people were living in the coccoons with only one broadcasting station when people could be fed with propaganda. The two of you are talking of a leader you don't understand nor live with. You just know him through hearsay by others. You call him murderer, thief & rotten, and you forget the real thiefs, the real murderous etc. If you so say, please volunteer and testify with your evidence.
Your allegations both of you cannot hold waters and are baseless. So you think if Ruto is replaced Kenya will be heaven? With the likes of Mungatana,Makwere,Kiraitu,Michuki, Karua,Wetangula, Musila, Pogisho, Kalonzo etc? Think of the country and the leaders and not only one person. Maybe you are jelous of his leadership.
I thought people with Dr. (PHD) were better to isolate the truth and hearsay. Please dont allegations before having concrate evidence as you render yourself a propaganda machine.
And please if you got this from Waki report, then you must be misplaced, the report is just simply stage managed to suit some quaters as I read this morning. Its just mere allegations no one is named as witness, just a Kalenjin resident in Nandi, an elder from Eldoret, a politician ...........and so on
written by mugundoi, January 22, 2009
I must say that I started to read the article with an open mind....but what I have read is just lots of nonesense.Dr. please go back and write another article and try to follow the rules and priciples that you were taught to follow while writing a paper. If your professor saw what you have written he would surely resign from teaching!I have no PHD but i know while writing a piece you cannnot come to a conclusion by using heresays and allegations!

Dr say that recently Ruto and others were found guilty of incitement....exactly which court found him guilty? Or is it you who thinks he is guilty so you come to the conclusion that he is guilty. Dr....surely with a PHD you must be knowing the difference btwn allegations...and real facts.Surely you know that someone has to be charged then they can be found guilty or not guilty! Mr. Ruto has not even been charged!

You add that through some blog by the diaspora you learnt that Ruto trained some millitias....surely Daktari...what source of info is that? When doing research weren't you taught something about source of information?

As I said i started out with an open mind......but Dakatari you have disappointed. You have let your hatred of Mr. Ruto take the better of you. This is how you run with lawsuits and charges to court then you wonder why the court cannot act.....well its because of such foolishness. Go do your investigation and bring us real meat!! This is not even mushed potatoes.......too watery!
Something wrong with docs
written by kipsengwer arap kipsengwer, January 22, 2009
I have read two remarks made by one DR Omweri and DR Kipronoh arap Ruttoh the two are ignorant fellows who need to go back to school to be tought on a lesson called FACTS. the participants on this bloc are all demanding prove of allegations. can the DR omweri prove to audience that indeed the HON Ruto son of kallenjin trained, funded or unlished miilitia on the Kikuyu community? The so called Dr Kipronoh arap Rutoh we are all expressing our views as did your confused fellow Omweri. i continue to condem your remarks

Kisengwer arap Kipsengwer is a proud kalenjin based in Nairobi!!
written by David Bett, January 24, 2009
I think this article should be forwarded to Rutto so that he can decide whether to go to court or not. He has been judged in public by one omweri as the cause for war in Kenya. This is defamation of character and malignment of a public figure. If this Omweri is sincere, she should have addressed other more deserving criminals like Kivuitu, Kibaki, Michuki whom we know for sure played a part. What about Nyachae who openly declared war on ODM in Kisii? We are not defending Rutto becuase we do not know his past, but it is clear there is an attempt to single out members of one community as criminals. It is just like people propagating false doctrine that Kenya's troubles started in 1978, while we know Kenya's tribal problem started in 1963. In addition, she did not provide any evidence to support her accusations against Rutto especially regarding the January violence.
Where Omweri's email?
You must be crazy!!
written by Essie, January 30, 2009
Come on lady,! what do you have against Ruto that irritates you so much, that even with all your credentials in accademics(if that is true) you act so much like a betrayed woman? The way you have attacked the most honourable man in the whole of kale land is as if you have a personal grudge with him or with the rest of the kales.There is a very deliberate agenda from people who fear the way mr Ruto is becoming a house hold name across the country, to use all means possible including the media to finish him politically.But you know what lady? you cannot stop a star from shining and that is what our Ruto is."A star destined to shine no matter what." So whatever all the cooking you and same minded losers like yourself are concocting on soiling our son, your efforts will not bear any fruits since everyone can see for themselves how Ruto is a hard working,inteligent and a born leader.All your baseless allegations will shame you in future coz, mark my words. Ruto will ascend to power and take the helm of power in this country sooon and very soon and the likes of you can all go to h....
what a joke
written by Dr. Kangogo, February 02, 2009
Dr. Nancy Omweri, Adjunct professor, Pace University, Westchester, USA. r u sure???u must b a big joker
too unfortunate
written by arap kogo, February 02, 2009
It is too unfortunate though inorder for Dr. Omweri to write such misinformed, misplaced and total outdated vendetta against one Hon. William Samoei arap Ruto the Member of Parliament for Eldoret North constituency and Minister for Agriculture of the Republic of Kenya.what Omweri and the like don't seem to understand is the fact that the charismatic dude is a son of individuals who are courageous and commanding. Just imagine these people came all the way from the north through the desert following the nile that is why they are called nilotes.They travelled these long and dangerous distances because they were brave and determined in their course. Bravery is a virtue that makes those who don't have it jealous. What am i trying to say? am saying with the exit of Daniel arap Moi from power most people thought the kalenjin are out of contention for power forever Omweri included, but what they don't seem to get is that kalenjins are natural leaders and good ones for that matter.Omweri i believe you have been out of the country and out of touch with the nation all what you get are just propaganda and cheap politics that i believe misinform you oppinions on matters relating to Kenya.So whether you like it or not most people think with Ruto out of the way the kalenjins will be shut which is again a fatal judgement because another tough talking non nonsense son of the kalenjin will emerge.By the way have you seen and heard Hon Kutuny the Member of Parliament for Cherangany?? so please omweri for your own peace of mind leave Hon Ruto alone the best you can do is watch from a distance,after all kalenjins are the most puzzling of Kenyan tribes you will never understand a damn thing about them.If you have a personal issue with Hon Ruto why don't you settle with him instead of maligning his name on this website and by the way how did you end up in this web is it not because you find kalenjins mysterious and you are trying to understand them???? If you are in this web to settle personal scores you are not welcome at all again.Please hold your peace, oh and by the way Hon Ruto comes from the Koitalel family linage remember the Nandi leader against British?
From your article it is very apparent that you are a proponent of the so called Hague what the hell is that?
Nice time
Why am confused
written by Jim sammy, February 10, 2009
We have had much about maize saga? The big question which lingers into many peoples mind is who is telling the truth?

We have all seen how Kenyan politician are, either i smear u with mad or u smear I. We our selves can avert all this
1. by doing what people did yesterday at Namanga border.

Let us not dash into one agreement of Ruto resighn no--- let wait until all the truth comes out.
wake up
written by kipsengwer arap kipsengwer, February 10, 2009
Jim Sammy you should wake up! you are indeed aware of a mud smearing campaign, and this one is one of them.they all want to crucify the hon ruto for the reason that he mobilized the kalenjin against the banana constitution and the defeat of mwai kibaki of PNU.

we cant accept that and you know it. there is no maize scam. ruto is being lynched for his political stand. we have nothing to wait for as you suggested we must extinguish the fire before it consumes us in our houses one more thing the track we saw; do you want to tell me that it was send by some one from Nairobi as it was alleged, i can't load a truck with seeds drive it to the border and allege that it was waiting for a call from Nairobi? and especially if am khaluale and my home is near the border and i need to cheat and justify my dubious allegations?

wake up to the reality my brother.

kipsengwer arap kipsengwer is a proud kalenjin based in Nairobi
chitab keiyo
written by KIBIWOTT KOROSS, February 14, 2009
Dr wants to give us the true meaning of her name.Omweri was a big python in Kisii.This confirms her as just another snake sent to bite Ruto.When in this world did she have the very low psychothinking that relates Ruto with to a killer?.As the mayhem was going on in the country,Ruto was in Nairobi and the rest who were calling on the NATIONAL THIEF to hand over power.Omweri lacks substantilal facts which according to me she is a mercenary for hire.Who paid you doc?tell us.
All this is insane.
written by Batman, February 16, 2009
I have read all the comments about this article and none of them is satisfying at all.Everyone has his/her own ideas based with what they feel about Hon. Rutto.
Starting with the author dr.Omweri,she doesn't know shit about Rutto and his political and leadership abilities,so shut ur ass up and stop writing lies about a successful leader.Rutto was whole-heartedly involved in eradicating poor leadership which had reigned Kenya since 2002,he had achieved those goals with Raila but instead of celebrating success, they mourned over their robbed victory.All the plans they had as ODM before elections were destroyed by the corrupt and born-robbers PNU and their alliases when they rigged the elections.Rutto was not prepared to be an agriculture minister under the umbrella of the first-thief kibaki,now how would you expect him to work with all his heart after all that happened on the elections?
It will remain in history books that Kenya faced hunger and shortage of food under Kibakis adm and not Rutto,in future Kenyans will know Kibaki was the president during the time of hunger,not Rutto so don't blame Rutto for the shortage of food instead blame the president coz he is the head and should know how his people are doing.Stop talking badly about Rutto.Am not supporting him coz I know he has adv and disadv just like any other human being.But what am trying to say is that if you don't know anything about someone then shut the f**k up.
written by Isaac Kipkoech, February 20, 2009
Dr Omweri is just a fictitious fellow. i tried to search for her/him somewhere in Pace University but she/he is nowhere.This is a cry of a frustrated,cornered idiot.she/he is prostituting lies around here.she/he should be ignored.These are people with adjunct brains
written by David Biwott, February 20, 2009
Thank you Isaac. I laso thought so from the beginning. The so called professor should be ignored.
misplaced prejudice
written by Alfred Gimnyigei, February 24, 2009
Dr. OmweriĆ¢€™s attitude is misplaced totally base on her allegations on Hon. Rutto. One must put facts before making such nonsense conclusion. In addition, it is very important to be objective if we want to build our nation. Otherwise, the more we emphasize on our own prejudices we are moving no where: though we understand your frustrations based on what happened at the beginning of last year
written by kibet arap koech, February 26, 2009
the sentiments of the so called dr omweri are purely an expression of tribal hatred toward hon.ruto. she obviously hates the kalenjin people.but what wrong have the kalenjins committed to attract such vitriol. we just happen to play host to a large population of kisii and kikuyu doing business and owning property in the rift valley, which is really our birth-right. these people obviously have been contemptuous towards us and hence the regular clashes. can you imagine that omweri's relatives own even farms in kuresoi, the heart of kipsigis land and she has the audacity to peddle outright lies against one of our leaders? the kalenjins should know that we do not have many friends and as such we have to chart our own destiny. negative comments like those from the omweris should not even be entertained in this forum. lets use it to discuss important issues that affect the chitab kutit.
written by Arap Ruttoh-Moi University, June 14, 2009
Dr.Omweri is a gossiper and is blind on the development Hon. Ruto is making to the country in particular his agriculture ministry.
Stop the gossip and wake up#
written by Crystal, June 29, 2009
Where is Pollyzzarrioh Ruttoh, Who now resides in Edmonton, Alberta and previously lived in Winnipeg, Manitoba?
written by bartai, July 18, 2009
Kenyans must pray and seek Gods forgiveness instate of blackmailing and blaming each other. Those who blame Hon. ruto are not serious, they are not ready to end impunity in kenya.If i may ask where is the key person who called for mass action and where is the real man who used administration police officers as his agents during the 2007 elections and later sworn in at night? Where is the chief 'cook' who fried the election results? To end impunity these acts should be delt with chronologically

1 comment:

  1. Is the writer a BUSH DOCTOR or what? Where did she get her PHD? Her writing would make a Gutter Newspaper Editor green with envy!
    Well she can FART, but where is the SHIT to BACK IT UP?
    Cosmas Ronno
