
Sunday, April 3, 2011


By merkeju

 Uhuru said

Riu tondu atindaga akiuga ni tunyuaga muno-ri, no anga tunyuaga na nyina? Na tondu atindaga akiuga tuthii Hague ri, Hague iyo ni ya nyina? Hague ni kwa nyukwa guku ugutinda ukiina? (Now that Raila keeps describing some of us as drunkards, do we go drinking with his wife? And now that he keeps telling us to go to The Hague, is that Hague his mother’s place? Is The Hague your mother’s place for you to keep singing about it?),” he asked at Githunguri.

Kiunjuri said
“Twaga kwaria uhoro wa Raila Odinga riu, tutikamenya kiria gigaturia twita Gikuyu. “If we don’t talk about Raila now, we shall be caught unawares as a community),” he said when the convoy stopped at Kiambu.

Hiti ihitagwo ni mundu na muthoniwe na nyumba itari ndundu iguthagwo na ihiga rimwe (A hyena is hunted by a man and his in-law and a house that is divided is destroyed by one stone),” said Mr Kiunjuri in his calling on the Kikuyu community to unite behind Mr Kenyatta.

“Hiti ituraga ifuataga mundu yetereire guoko kugue. No hiti ino no nginya tumieherie (A hyena hunts by following you in the hope that your swinging hand will fall off. But we must get rid of this hyena now),” he added.

“Rekei ndimwire. tribal slur gititumagwo uthoni tondu ihii mungiikara nacio no iriina nguru. Muhiiro wa tribal slur uthiragira kahiuini (Let me tell you, uncircumcised boys are not invited to dowry negotiations because, as you know, boys will always take time to sing their play songs. An uncircumcised boy’s goings are only ended when he faces the knife).

“Raila ti kimundu kiega kihana nyamu iria iriaga nguku na matumbi macio (Raila is not a goo
d person. He is like the animal that eats the chicken and its eggs).

Muthama said

Who said his votes had been stolen and asked his people to fight? Who asked people to uproot the railway in Kibera, to remove people from their houses and occupy them?” he asked.

“Ucio ni muguruki (He is insane),” he added.

“This country cannot be governed using riddles and football commentary, and by people who cannot speak grammatical Kiswahili,” said Mr Muthama.

“We’re going to the polls next year and we are going to send him (Raila) back home to fish,” he said in apparent reference to the PM.

« Last Edit: Yesterday at 11:39pm by merkeju »

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