
Friday, April 29, 2011

Uhuru ally elected to head agency

Fredrick Onyango| NATION Former Siakago MP Justin Muturi addresses journalists after he won the elections for the chairmanship of the Centre for Multiparty Democracy. With him is deputy chairperson Stephen Nyarangi Onsomu. Photo/FREDRICK ONYANGO
Former Siakago MP Justin Muturi addresses journalists after he won the elections for the chairmanship of the Centre for Multiparty Democracy on April 28, 2011. With him is deputy chairperson Stephen Nyarangi Onsomu. Photo/FREDRICK ONYANGO
Posted  Thursday, April 28 2011 at 22:12

An ally of Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta is the new chairman of the Centre for Multiparty Democracy.
On Thursday, former Siakago MP and Kanu Chief Whip Justin Muturi was elected to a two-year term at the helm of the non-governmental organisation.
The chairman of the centre holds a powerful position on the political scene as he leads attempts to develop and enforce ethical standards to ensure internal democracy, mutual respect and participatory decision-making among political parties.
In addition, the agency enables political parties to get funding, a critical role in the run-up to the General Election next year. 
Mr Muturi garnered 56 votes against 24 of Narc’s Fidelis Nguli to become the centre’s fourth chairman. ODM did not have any candidates in the election.
The new chairman was sponsored by PNU. “Kanu wrote to the Centre and deleted my name to bar me from contesting but I was finally adopted by PNU,” Mr Muturi said after his victory.
He takes over from Prof Larry Gumbe, who was not eligible to vie after serving two terms. The vice-chairperson is Ms Alice Wahome of Narc Kenya, who retained the seat for a second and final term unopposed.
Secretary Peninah Mwashegwa of National Labour Party and treasurer Benjamin Gitoi of the Forum, a grouping of 24 non-parliamentary parties, also retained their posts.
Former Kibwezi MP Kalembe Ndile of The Independent Party, was elected unopposed to the position of vice-secretary, while Lorna Nanjala representing Ford People is the vice-treasurer.
The deputy chairpersons are Ms Rose Mutiso (People’s Party of Kenya), Mr Onesmus Mbali (Kenya National Congress) and Mr Stephen Nyarangi (People’s Democratic Party).

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