
Friday, April 29, 2011

Corridors of Power

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Share/Save/Bookmark Staff and board members at the Kenya Railways Pension Scheme are wondering just when the Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission will finalise investigations and bring to an end the uncertainty and anxiety which has affected their work. The KACC moved in to probe allegations of corrupt deals in the scheme and since then, the workers and board members have been on tenterhooks waiting for someone to be charged so that they can go back to working normally. They are afraid to do anything as they do not want to be caught in the crosshairs of the investigators who seem not to be in a hurry to complete their probe.

Will he or won't he? Speculation doing the diplomatic rounds is that outgoing US envoy Michael Ranneberger may be considering taking up Kenyan citizenship. Reason, his special interests in Narok as well as the fact that he has become so closely involved in community-based groups. The word out is that the diplomat will definitely be a frequent visitor in Kenya after he completes his tour of duty.

It may not only be President Kibaki and Prime Minister Raila Odinga who are considering reshuffling their people. We are told that Water minister Charity Ngilu is considering radical changes in her ministry especially after the fallout caused by the probe initiated in the ministry following complaints by her former assistant minister Mwangi Kiunjuri. The ministry as well as parastatal chiefs in her ministry are expected to be moved around, according to our moles.

Terry Supplies and Services won a parking tender at the Institute of Surveyors along Thika Road after quoting Sh17.8m for the project and not Sh300 million. The higher quotation of Sh300 million had reportedly come under the radar of the Kenya Anti Corruption Commission. Speculation doing the rounds at the time was that the KACC officials were going to start investigating the matter.

A Cabinet minister from Western Kenyan berated a businessman for not donating money to fund political activities of Saboti MP Eugene Wamalwa. The minister was so angry with the businessman for holding out on the Sh500,000 that he was being asked to give. The businessman did not want to part with the money as he believed he would get nothing in return.  The minister accused him of undermining Eugene whom he said would soon be named Foreign Affairs minister.

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