Monday, April 25, 2011

Force to hire officers with lower grades

Posted  Sunday, April 24 2011 at 19:44

It will still be possible to be recruited to the regular and Administration Police with grades below the C plain required by the Internal Security ministry.
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Assistant minister Orwa Ojodeh said the recruitment of those with lower grades will only be done in districts where there are no candidates with the necessary grades.
In marginalised areas, Mr Ojodeh said, the recruiters would consider those who had scored C-, D+, or even D in their Form Four examinations.
This is the first time in two years that new officers are being recruited, and the target is 7,000 youth.
“The recruitment will be carried out by District Recruitment Committees headed by the district commissioners” said Mr Ojodeh.
The exercise is set to begin on April 27, and the assistant minister invited MPs to attend and assure themselves of its fairness and transparency.
“The leeway for lower grades is meant for equity, right from the big tribes to the El Molo.”
But MPs expressed doubt that the pronouncements the assistant minister was making had been transmitted to the recruiters at the district level.
Turkana Central MP Ekwee Ethuro said the DCs would also need to be told of the new rules where candidates are not required to have certificates of good conduct from the Criminal Investigations Department.
And Gwasi MP John Mbadi asked the ministry to include the provision for picking those with lower grades in its advertisements.
Nominated MP Mohamed Affey asked the ministry to also recruit those who have waiting cards for the issuance of identity cards.

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