
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Kalonzo edged out of 2012 alliance

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ISOLATED: Kalonzo speaking in Eldoret.
ISOLATED: Kalonzo speaking in Eldoret.
VICE-PRESIDENT Kalonzo Musyoka is increasingly being marginalised in the political alliance between Finance minister Uhuru Kenyatta and Eldoret North MP William Ruto.
Instead Uhuru and Ruto are reaching out to Saboti MP Eugene Wamalwa in another alliance which was proposed in Meru and Muranga over the weekend. Out of nine rallies Uhuru and Ruto have held since February, Kalonzo has graced only two events in Kericho and Mosop.
Ruto hosted President Kibaki at 64 Stadium in Eldoret in January seeking to strengthen ties between the Kikuyu and Kalenjin. Uhuru was there but not Kalonzo.
Two weeks ago, Saboat MP Eugene Wamalwa hosted Uhuru and Ruto in Bungoma. Again the VP was conspicuously absent. At the weekend, the duo continued their rallies in Meru and Muranga and announced the formation of a new political party.
Curiously, Uhuru and Ruto did not mention Kalonzo, only talking about like minded leaders like Eugene, despite their promises last year of a KKK Alliance. Close associates of Uhuru and Ruto now say that the positions of presidential candidate and running mate have been filled.
Central Kenya leaders are now planning to host a leaders meeting in Limuru to endorse the Uhuru/Ruto 2012 line up. “We in Mount Kenya have already agreed on our de facto leader. Unfortunately the VP is not anywhere in the lineup,” Nithi MP and Agriculture assistant minister Kareke Mbiuki said.
According to Mbiuki, a close ally of Uhuru, leaders from Mt. Kenya will converge in Limuru for a second time to make the declaration.“We are meeting in Limuru 2 in April where the declaration will be made to endorse Uhuru and Ruto ticket. There is no short cut,” he said.“He (Kalonzo) has been leading the deferral mission as part of his brief as Vice President. He should not expect any endorsement even from the president,” Mbiuki stated.
Mbiuki downplayed the impeding ICC prosecution saying that Uhuru and Ruto will be in the presidential race as long as they are not convicted.
Yesterday, Kibwezi MP Philip Kaloki said Kalonzo will be in the ballot box whether he is endorsed by the two or not.“The VP is still working in consultations with his people and has a capacity to mount enormous campaigns,” Kaloki added.
Kaloki, a close ally to Kalonzo, warned that those counting out the VP do it at their own peril since the new constitution provides a level playing ground for all.
Special Programmes minister Esther Murugi and former Siakago MP Justine Muturi downplayed the idea that Kalonzo hs been sidelined.‘It’s too early to start speculating that any person in the alliance will be sidelined by the others,” Murugi said.
Muturi said that even if Kalonzo does not get the ticket, there are other equally important positions.“The Speaker and the leader of majority are very important. That can accommodate those who will not capture the ticket,” he said.
Kaloki and Muturi said that all the aspiring candidates will go through nomination primaries to come up with the final team. University of Nairobi sociology lecturer Ken Ouko commented that Kalonzo should realise that the writing is on the wall.“Ruto told him in Kericho that the next president from the alliance should be below 50; Kalonzo is in his late 50s. This tells you what they think about him,” Ouko said.“They remember that he ditched Raila and quickly joined Kibaki after the disputed elections, so they can’t trust him any more since he has the potential to repeat it,” he said.
On Friday, First Lady Lucy Kibaki scolded the VP for comments in WikiLeaks about the health of President Kibaki. The statement is now being seen as a pointer that State House and the status quo may not support Kalonzo’s candidature in 2012."The First Lady and President both come from Mt.Kenya which will rally behind Uhuru. Kalonzo should read between the lines,” Mbiuki commented.
However Kaloki said that the First Lady was in order to protect the image of her family but doubted the authenticity of WikiLeaks cables.“Kalonzo has been categorical that he never made any such remarks, so Mama Lucy’s remarks should not be taken to mean Kalonzo has fallen out with State House,” Kaloki said.

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