
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Corridor of Power

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Share/Save/Bookmark Police officers attached to the Presidential Escort are up in arms following an order by a senior commander based at State House that the officers pay out Sh100 so they can get their new ceremonial uniforms. The said commander has told his juniors the money will be given to the designer as a gift. Our mole at State House has whispered to us that those who have refused to pay have been threatened with transfers to hardship areas.
An assistant minister from North Eastern had to draw a dagger in order to recover Sh1million he loaned out to a broke MP from Coast Province. The same legislator is in trouble after he borrowed Sh1.5 million from a wealthy MP from Nyanza and wrote two bouncing cheques. The man has been promising that he is expecting huge deposits from a foreign diplomat in Nairobi which has not been forthcoming. In this regard, an MP from Ukambani has now taken the initiative of cautioning MPs against the bad debtor who targets unsuspecting colleagues.
 A grand coalition official known for globe-trotting to solicit for presidential campaign resources is at it again. Pictures showing the man begging for money from a congregation of a controversial London-based preacher are in circulation. The man also recently traveled  with a questionable Mombasa businessman to the Middle East where they discussed serious business deals. What is more, the said politician, has been in constant communication with Yagnesh Devani of the Triton scandal whom police cannot trace in Dubai.
Narc-K leader Martha Karua and her General-Secretary Danson Mungatana are said to be divided in the coming Kamukunji by-elections. Karua is said to be uncomfortable with Brian Weke who has been warmly welcomed to the party by Mungatana.The Gichugu MP is said to be keen on former nominated councillor Muthoni Kihara.

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