
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Nominees to committee on new law implementation tabled

A list of nominees to the Parliamentary Constitutional Implementation Oversight Committee is expected to be tabled in parliament Thursday afternoon.

The 27 names submitted to the House Business Committee by the Grand Coalition Government partners PNU and ODM may meet resistance on the floor of the house following discontent over the list.

PNU deputy chief whip Johnstone Muthama says the names were forwarded by political parties and the number of nominees depends on the strength of respective affiliates.

Speaking to KBC Muthama said aggrieved members should raise the issue with their parties.

ODM has 14 slots while PNU and its affiliates have been given 13.

ODM nominees include Budalangi MP Ababu Namwamba, assistant Ministers Alfred Khangati, Mohamed Maalim, Elizabeth Ongoro and Joseph Nkaiserry.

Others are Joyce Laboso, Danson Mwazo, Benedict Gunda Charles Onyancha, Julius Murgor, John Mbadi, Millie Odhiambo, Rachael Shebesh and Lucas Chepkitony.

The PNU team comprises of Abdikadir Mohammed, Cabinet Ministers Beth Mugo and Chirau Ali Mwakwere, assistant ministers Kilemi Mwiria Cecil Mbarire and Wavinya Ndeti.

Other nominees include Phillip Kaloki, Amina Abdullah,Martha Karua, Ekwe Ethuro, Charles Kilonzo, David Ngugi and Wilfred Ombui.

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