
Thursday, September 30, 2010

MP wants to block vetting of judges

NAIROBI, Kenya, Sep 30 - Kamukunji MP Simon Mbugua has now moved to court to block vetting of judges and magistrates.

Mr Mbugua says the process is open to manipulation by the Executive.

"The removal of the judicial officers will bring in political appointees," Mr Mbugua says on his court documents.

He argues that the vetting of the officers will give the political class undue power over the judiciary especially at this critical stage of implementing the new Constitution.

He further contends that Section 23 of the sixth schedule allowing vetting of judicial officers is in conflict with Section 60, 67 and 68 of the Constitution.

He wants implementation and validity of all proceedings including his election petition be heard and determined as matter of national priority.

He is appearing before a judge at this hour to know whether he will get the orders sought.

More details to follow...

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