
Saturday, July 31, 2010

Referendum Campaigns: Rally Drama

Vice-President Kalonzo Musyoka got a rude shock in his Eastern Province backyard when he was booed and literally chased from a 'No' rally, as the referendum campaigns hit a feverpitch.

The country was literally painted Green and Red, as the opposing camps made the final push for votes ahead of the historic vote on the Proposed
safe under the Proposed Constitution.

"Not even an inch of your land will be taken away, so you have no reason to fear. The land will belong to you before and after the referendum," Kibaki said.

The ‘No’ side did not leave anything to chance, too, as various teams visited several parts of the country to reach out to as many voters as they could.

Former President Moi campaigned in the historic Lodwar town where founding President Kenyatta and his five compatriots who fought for the country’s independence were jailed.

Kanu Vice-Chairman Gideon Moi, Secretary General, Nick Salat, former Nominated MP, Mark Too, and former State House Comptroller, Abraham Kiptanui, accompanied the former President in the campaigns culminating in a rally in Lodwar.

"It is a very dangerous trend we want to set for the country and it is not good for both the current and future generations. We should all reject the document at the referendum," Moi said.

And the rest of the ‘No’ team led by Higher Education Minister William Ruto, made another day-long foray into Eastern Province where they addressed 10 rallies.

But the biggest campaign spectacle is expected to be on show in two western Kenya towns of Kisumu and Eldoret today, when President Kibaki and Prime Minister Raila Odinga address a rally at the lakeside town as Ruto’s team go to Eldoret.

Eldoret was a hive of activity yesterday, as the ‘No’ rally organisers mounted giant speakers on trailers covered with red banners, asking people to attend the rally today.

"We are inviting you to the ‘No’ rally at 64 Stadium at 10am. ‘No’ team leaders, led by Ruto, will address the people of the North Rift," blared the speakers.

Raila was expected in Kisumu last evening for a night at his rural Bondo home before making the much-awaited return to the campaign trail at the highly-anticipated rally at Moi Stadium, Kisumu.

The Prime Minister, who has been recovering after being taken ill, yesterday attended the 17th African Safaricom African Senior Athletics Championships at Nyayo National Stadium, Nairobi.

Cabinet ministers from the region led by Dalmas Otieno were in Kisumu last evening, waiting for Raila who was not expected to make any public appearance until today.

Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta campaigned for the Proposed Constitution in Chuka and Nkubu towns in Nithi and Imenti South constituencies. He was with Energy minister Kiraitu Murungi, Assistant Ministers Kareke Mbiuki, Kilemi Mwiria, and Cecily Mbarire who reminded residents how they had benefited under President Kibaki. Anxiety gripped Kisumu as news spread that Raila, who has been out of public limelight in the last one month, was to arrive in the town last evening.

The PM was expected to team up with President Kibaki for a grand gathering reminiscent of the one held during the National Rainbow Coalition wave in the final sprint to 2002 General Election.

Reports from Kisumu say security had been bolstered, ahead of the rally tomorrow.

Another group led by Information Minister Samuel Poghisio was in Kitale and Kapenguria for rallies in West Pokot.

In the larger Meru, MPs Mithika Linturi (Igembe South) and Silas Muriuki (Igembe North) toured Mikindani, Chuka, Meru Town, and Ntonyiri in a final lap.

In Western, Lugari MP Cyrus Jirongo and the regional ‘No’ team covered Lugari, Chimoi, Malava, Kimilili constituencies, and sections of Trans Nzoia District.

Kibaki and the Prime Minister are expected to lead the climax of the ‘Yes’ rallies at a prayer meeting at Uhuru Park on Sunday.

On Monday, the final day allowed for campaigning by the Interim Independent Electoral Commission (IIEC), President Kibaki will go to another historic ground – Kirigiti in Kiambu.

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