
Saturday, July 31, 2010

27 per cent say 'No' ministers to be sacked

Twenty-seven per cent of Kenyans who will vote in the August 4 referendum support the sacking of ministers opposed to the Proposed Constitution, the latest poll has shown.

The respondents said the ministers should be replaced by those who support the Government if ‘Yes’ wins.

However, 66 per cent of those interviewed said ministers should be allowed to continue serving in the Cabinet irrespective of which side wins.

The survey released yesterday by Strategic Research Director Caesar Handa showed only four per cent of those interviewed felt that ministers in the ‘No’ camp should be given more responsibilities if they win.

Yesterday, Handa said the media was still rated tops in its conduct during the campaign period with a mean of 7.3 followed by the Prime Minister and President Kibaki at 7.1 and 7.0

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