
Monday, June 28, 2010

Teacher kills his son after losing job

A teacher on Sunday went berserk and killed his two-year-old son in Nyahururu Town. He also seriously injured his wife and three other young people.

The 40-year-old teacher, who was frustrated after he was dismissed from Falling Waters Secondary School, returned home in the wee hours of yesterday morning and attacked his family.

He locked the victims in the house before disappearing. They were his 27-year-old wife and their two sons, one of who later died of the injuries he sustained during the attack.


Other victims were the assailant’s brother-in-law, aged two years, and her orphaned cousin. The victims were discovered seven hours later when one of the victims regained consciousness and called the teacher’s mother-in-law, who lives three kilometres away.

The teacher’s wife was taken to hospital where she was admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU). Police have launched a manhunt for the accused after being alerted about the incident.


A director of the school, Mrs Gitahi, said the teacher had been dismissed for absconding duty. The assailant’s wife had asked them to give the family time to look for another house.

The incident took place as students of the boarding school were away on midterm holiday. The man is said to have served as a prison warder before joining the school.

By the time of his dismissal from his teaching job, he had been promoted to the position of deputy head teacher. He also served as the school’s boarding master.

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