
Monday, June 28, 2010

New laws ‘are a recipe for chaos’

Higher Education minister William Ruto on Sunday said that the proposed constitution would cause chaos in Kenya if it is passed in its current form.

He challenged rivals in the ‘Yes’ camp to read the signs on the wall, saying that Kenyans were going to reject the proposed constitution during the August 4 referendum.

“Let them open their eyes and their ears because Kenyans are making a statement so that we can move forward as one nation,” said Mr Ruto.

Mr Ruto, who is the de facto leader of the MPs opposed to the new laws, stressed that the chapter on religion should be amended.

He said it puts one religion against the other, adding that this was a recipe for chaos. The minister was speaking in Nakuru Town, where 16 MPs joined retired president Daniel arap Moi in a prayer meeting organised by church leaders opposed to the document.

It was the first time Mr Ruto and Mr Moi shared the same forum to campaign against the document. On his part, Mr Moi questioned the ruling by the Dispute Resolution Court that allowed prisoners to vote in the referendum. He said this was a ploy to rig the vote in favour of the government.

Send agents

“This is a complicated world … the ‘No’ camp should be allowed to send their agents (to prisons) so that their vote is not stolen. They should keep an eye throughout the process,” said Mr Moi.

Cabinet minister Samuel Poghisio also spoke during the rally. Others who attended include Dr Wilfred Machage, Mr Luka Kigen, Mr Zakayo Cheruiyot, Mr Cyrus Jirongo and Dr Julius Kones.

The church leaders said they hoped to bring all Christians together to defeat the new laws. The function was also addressed by Bishop Mark Kariuki.

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