
Friday, April 23, 2010


It is feared that of the 40,000 metric tones of Genetically Modified maize imported into the country early this year, 10,000 metric tones have already found their way into the market.

The Parliamentary Select Committee on Agriculture chairman John Mututho says the entrance of the commodity into the market happened with the full knowledge of both the new Agriculture Minister Dr. Sally Kosgey and Industrialization Minister Henry Kosgey.

Addressing the press at parliament buildings Mututho called on the two ministers to form a committee to investigate the matter.

He also wants the two ministers to step aside to allow for investigations into the matter.

Mututho alleges that the missing 10,000 metric tones of GM maize cannot be accounted for, an indication that it could have found its way into the local market.

The rest of the consignment is being held at the Grain Bulk Handlers in Mombasa.

40,000 metric tonnes, an equivalent of 3 million bags costing the government a whooping 1.8 billion shillings was offloaded at the Port of Mombasa early this year allegedly secretly but out of this 10 000 metric tonnes is believed to have been quickly distributed to the market.

Cases of GM maize importation into the country dates back to 2007, with 2008 being the year that this illegal trade allegedly picked pace, supposedly under the watch of the then science and technology minister Sally Kosgey, under whose docket the supervision of KEPHIS falls.

It is also alleged to have occurred under the watch of industrialization minister Henry Kosgey who supervises the Kenya Bureau of Standards.

Kenya now stands as the highest importer of GM maize in the world amid claims that the government is not keen in observing bio- safety regulations, a negligence that might expose its citizenry to high health risks.

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