
Friday, April 23, 2010


The embattled Truth Justice and Reconciliation Commission (TJRC) Chairman Bethuel Kiplagat has received support from National Assembly deputy speaker, Farah Maalim.

Maalim urged him to ignore the “noise” from the Parliamentary Committee on Legal Affairs and civil societies.

The deputy speaker claimed Kiplagat was a victim of tribalism and challenged those who are pointing fingers at him to first follow the law before pushing for his removal.

He chided fellow MPs for failing to read, interpret and understand the law they had passed regarding the establishment of the TJRC and how its commissioners should be removed from office.

“It is sickening to hear MPs who approved the list with Kiplagat’s name as a member of the TJRC . The law is very clear on how anybody can be removed from office,” said Maalim.

Addressing a press conference at Parliament buildings, Maalim who was accompanied by Gwasi MP John Mbadi termed as misplaced a call by Justice Minister Mutula Kilonzo to have the entire commission dissolved.

He said Kiplagat’s main crime was his tribe: “Kiplagat is being targeted merely because he is a Kalenjin who served under Moi. Who in government today did not serve the former regime? The President the Prime Minister and several other top government officials did serve under Moi and Kiplagat should not be targeted for having served as PS then,” said the Lagdera MP.

He said Kiplagat was properly elected as a chair of the commission and accused those calling for his removal of having sinister motives.

“It is now clear that those demanding for his removal either want to take over from him or want an opportunity to nominate their own people to the commission,” he said.

He wondered why Kiplagat was being subjected to a public lynching method of justice by the MPs who are supposed to protect the rule of law.

Mbadi said the MPs were ignorant of the very laws they passed.

“MPs passed the Act that set the establishment of the TJRC and how its members would be removed whenever need arose. How then can the very MPs who sat through long sessions to deliberate and finally approve the list which had Kiplagat turn around and demand for his removal? posed Mbadi.

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