
Monday, February 8, 2010


Raila Odinga maintains that education minister Prof. Sam Ongeri and his Permanent Secretary Prof. Karega Mutahi must step aside to pave way for investigations into the financial scandal rocking the ministry.

Raila who spoke at the launch of Equity Group Foundation-Mastercard Foundation Scholarship attended by Ongeri dismissed allegations of being vindictive saying the culture of impunity must end and any officer named in corruption must take responsibility by stepping down.

He said the two top education officials would resume duty once cleared by the investigating agencies.

Ongeri who steered clear the matter just shook his head in disagreement with PM's remarks.

However, deputy Prime Minister and minister for finance Uhuru Kenyatta bravely defended his embattled colleague by calling for the end of the war of words over the missing education funds.

Uhuru said the government had reimbursed donor funds that disappeared safeguarding the Free Primary Education Programme.

He added that several officers in the ministry of education are on suspension over the Scandal.

British and U.S governments have withheld funding until the scandal in the education ministry is resolved.

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