
Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Environment Minister John Michuki says President Kibaki would be entitled to a new term in office if a new constitution were realized this year.

Michuki claims that under a new constitution the current limitation of the presidency to two terms would be rendered null and void paving way for Kibaki or former President Moi to seek a fresh term.

Observers are however reading a wider political scheme in Michuki’s sentiments. Political analyst Mutahi Ngunyi in an interview with KTN said that Michuki was testing the waters.

Ngunyi said going by the fact that Kibaki had reneged on the political MoU in 2003 and was sworn by night after the controversial President elections in 2007, then it would not be a surprise for him (Kibaki) to stand for re-election in 2012.

"It would not be a surprise for him (Kibaki) to dissolve parliament and run for re-election in 2012," said Ngunyi.

Ngunyi said that Kibaki could also be spurred on by the fact that Kenya’s first President Jomo Kenyatta became president at Kibaki’s current age and ruled for 15 years.

Lands Minister James Orengo dismissed Michuki’s statement saying it was " primitive, backward irresponsible and stupid," for a politician to make such utterances.

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