
Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Wrangles in the Orange Democratic Movement have spilled into Parliament and stalled the reconstitution of the powerful crucial House Business Committee.

Parliament was forced to adjourn prematurely on Wednesday barely 30 minutes into the sitting after MPs disagreed on the membership of the committee.

Chepalungu MP Isaac Ruto kicked off the storm when he stood to oppose the membership claiming that there were no party consultations as required by the standing orders.

ODM has replaced perceived rebel MPs William Ruto and Chachu Ganya in their list.

Also missing in the list is Prime Minister Raila Odinga who has been replaced with ODM secretary general Anyang’ Nyong’o, perhaps indicating he has dropped the bid to chair the HBC.

“I don’t expect my Party (ODM) to call for delegates conference, but I expect some consultations which I am sure have not taken place,” said Mr Ruto who is a key ally of Agriculture Minister William Ruto.

Party whip Jakoyo Midiwo maintained there were consultation and claimed that “Mr Ruto had not been attending meetings faithfully.” Mr Ganya who was in the house however dismissed the assertion.

“What (Mr) Midiwo is referring to was not consultations but a meeting,” he said.

Members, mostly backbenchers joined Isaac Ruto in dismissing the procedural motion.

“Political party democracy is very important. We should not take it for granted that parties do not belong to a few leaders of the party whips. Parliamentary group meeting must be called and consensus must be reached,” said Livestock Assistant Minister, Adan Duale.

Lands Assistant Minister Bifwoli Wakoli however differed with his colleagues saying it is wrong to try and sort out party problems in the House.

“It is time if we have problems with our party leaders we go and remove them,” he charged.

“To bring sanity into this and for us to appear to be doing what we are supposed to be doing we must oppose this list,” said Mithika Linturi, who claimed he was not consulted as the KANU party whip.

During the constitution of the same committee last year the same scenario played in the house as backbenchers claimed they had been sidelined. The whips were forced to withdraw the list and include a number of backbenchers.

ODM Secretary General Anyang Nyong’o had on Monday announced last week that it would come up with measures to “discipline errant members.”

The conflict between the Agriculture Minister and party leader Raila Odinga has escalated in the last two weeks after the unsuccessful attempt by the Premier to suspend Mr Ruto over corruption allegations.

Rifts have emerged in the party with the defiant Agriculture Minister enjoying the support of over 20 MPs mostly from his Rift Valley home turf.

The HBC sets the agenda for the House. Ex-officio Member, Speaker Kenneth Marende chaired it on a temporary basis after both the PM and Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka laid claim to the seat in the last session.

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