
Wednesday, February 24, 2010


President Mwai Kibaki has called on the National Cohesion and Integration Commission to identify the cause of emerging inappropriate behaviour that was a threat to national cohesion and integration.

President Kibaki made the remarks when he met and held discussions with Commissioners of the National Cohesion and Integration Commission at his Harambee House Office.

The President observed that new undesirable behaviours were creeping in society which not only undermined but also acted as an impediment to national cohesion. He asked the Commission to seek ways of stemming this unwarranted behaviour.

President Kibaki cited politicisation of funeral ceremonies, intolerance and spreading of hate speeches as some of the many undesirable behaviours that need to be curtailed in order to build a stable, prosperous and harmonious nation.

During the occasion, the Head of State assured the Commissioners of the government’s financial and logistical support to enable them to execute their broad mandate.

The President reiterated that Kenya is indivisible and belonged to all citizens who must enjoy the right of living and working in any part of the country.

Justice, National Cohesion and Constitutional Affairs Minister Mutula Kilonzo asserted the need to strengthen the Commission ahead of the forthcoming referendum on the new constitution to curtail undesirable behaviours that could cause ethnic animosity.

The Commission Chairman Dr Mzalendo Kibunjia affirmed that the organisation was committed to developing national values such as patriotism, hard work, self-drive among others which should be exposed to Kenyans from an early age.

He said that the Commission had proposed February 28 to be dedicated as a national thanksgiving and cohesion day due to its historical importance to the country after the signing of the National Accord.

Dr Kibunjia revealed that the commission had also commissioned a study to unearth the facts and reasons behind lack cohesiveness among some Kenyan communities with the intention of building vital linkages for national integration.

He noted that the commission had initiated the process of interacting with Kenyans and engaging stakeholders in order to start the process of changing negative attitudes that undermine national cohesion.

The Prime Minister Rt Hon Raila Odinga and Vice-President Hon Kalonzo Musyoka attended the meeting among other senior government officials.

Later at his Harambee House Office, President Kibaki met and held discussions with the international women’s tennis superstar Serena Williams.

Ms Williams commended the President for his contribution to the success of the Free Primary Education programme.

President Kibaki noted that education laid a firm foundation not only for the individual pupils but also the country’s future.

He expressed the commitment of the Kenyan Government in ensuring that the FPE programme was successful in order to continue giving children from disadvantaged backgrounds an opportunity to change their situations and contribute towards national development.

Ms Williams is in the country to inaugurate Wee Secondary School established in Matiliku Location, Makueni constituency an area faced with high school dropouts due to harsh environmental conditions.

The President expressed his appreciation for her contribution to Kenya’s education sector.

The tennis star commissioned the first school in Mutyambua location in November 2008 upon learning about the President Kibaki’s commitment to the provision of education for all in the country.

The schools have been built in conjunction with global IT firm, Hewlett Packard and an American non-profit making organization, Build African Schools.

Ms Williams is the global ambassador for Hewlett Packard.

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