
Friday, February 26, 2010


The PNU coalition starts its retreat in Naivasha on Friday after agreeing to discuss the draft constitution, which goes before Parliament next week.

The party shelved discussions on the formation of a new political movement, according to its executive director, Mr Jasper Nyamboga. About 70 MPs and most of the 22 coalition parties have confirmed their attendance.

Officials from different affiliate parties are also expected although four parties – among them Kanu, DP and CCU – have in the past week distanced themselves from the talks.

Mr Nyamboga said the meeting would not discuss matters relating to the 2012 General Election. “We had a meeting last night (Wednesday) and 70 MPs confirmed attendance. We want to say that the meeting is not aimed at disbanding any party but will explore ways of strengthening the union,” said Mr Nyamboga.

Insiders who attended the Wednesday meeting said it was resolved that due to concerns raised over the talk of a new party, the idea should be shelved. It was decided that the matter would be revisited once wider consultations had been made.

Key leaders from PNU, Kanu and ODM-K, including Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta and Internal Security minister George Saitoti are expected at the meeting.

Also expected to attend are Ford Kenya leaders Moses Wetang’ula and Eugene Wamalwa, as well as Kinangop MP David Ngugi, who will represent the smaller parties in the PNU coalition.

One of the organisers of the retreat, to be held at the Great Rift Valley Lodge, said ways of exploiting the rift within ODM following the fallout between Prime Minister Raila Odinga and Agriculture minister William Ruto would be explored.

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