
Friday, February 26, 2010


The Kenyan Government is exploring the possibility of designating February 28 a national holiday to commemorate the signing of the National Accord.

If adopted, the day will be known as the National Thanksgiving and Cohesion Day and will be celebrated every year.

The Nation learnt that the idea was mooted on Thursday at a meeting between President Kibaki, Prime Minister Raila Odinga and members of the National Cohesion and Integration Commission at Nairobi's Harambee House.

Vice-President Kalonzo Musyoka and Justice minister Mutula Kilonzo also attended the event.


Sources familiar with the deliberations, however, said the matter was still under discussion and that no conclusive decisions had been made on it.

The chairman of the commission, Dr Mzalendo Kibunja, and commissioner Halake Waqo said the day should be commemorated as it was a symbol of hope.

Mr Waqo said a national prayer day had consequently been organised for this weekend to commemorate the signing of the accord brokered by former UN boss Kofi Annan and his panel of Eminent African personalities.

There will also be a joint statement from the two principals.

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