
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Mau Imposters

The Mau secretariat now says majority of squatters camping in temporary camps are imposters.

In a statement the secretariat said they have been profiling the squatters and had established that most of them were not genuine.

"Our records from profiling indicate most of the people come by day to the camps masquerading as people relocated from the forest and go home by night" read the statement.

The secretariat that is coordinating the relocation programme accused local politicians of inciting the people to go to camps in the hope of getting relief assistance and possible compensation.

The secretariat coordinator Hassan noor Hassan said the government through the Provincial Administration and the Ministry of Special Programs was profiling the squatters to establish their origins and register them saying that most of the genuine squatters had expressed interest in going back to their homes.

"Over 105 settlers, vacating the Mau forest have been profiled and will be ferried to their original homes " said Noor.

He added that the government was providing food aid to the squatters for the transition period and transport to ferry them to their homes.

He termed the relocation programme that entered the second phase Tuesday a success noting that they had already recovered 25% of the forest.

He said 21 title deeds had so far been surrendered adding that more settlers were vacating South West Mau forest reserve voluntarily.

A 14 day notice issued by the government for the settlers to leave the Mau in first phase of the eviction programme ended on Monday.

The second phase that targets a further 19,000

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